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ULTRAKILL might be one of the absolute most popular Early Access games from 2020 and it might just be a good pick for the Steam Deck, if you love fast-paced retro-styled shooters.

In the "Saw Your Heart Update" released February 16, the team mentioned they've added in full controller support to the game. This includes for all menus, tutorials and on-screen text show controller inputs, aim / look speed is no longer affected by framerate and a few other fixes to make controllers feel good. They said they're hoping for Deck Verification soon.

A very short but to the point teaser video was also included:

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Game Features:

  • Use your many movement abilities to stay mobile and avoid the relentless attacks of the dead, demons and other machines.
  • Destroy them with an arsenal of incredibly powerful weapons, each with multiple available variations.
  • Soak yourself in their blood to regain health and keep fighting.
  • Kill fast and with SSStyle to rack up combos and gain points that can be used on weapon variations between missions.
  • Master the many levels to achieve high ranks and take on unique optional challenges.
  • Explore the varied and unique campaign environments inspired by Dante's Inferno to find plentiful hidden secrets

Considering how popular ULTRAKILL is, with over 18,000 user reviews and an Overwhelmingly Positive score - it would be a great one to have on the Steam Deck out of the box.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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kit89 Feb 17, 2022
It's good to see games being updated to work better on the Steam Deck. Though many of these games work on top of Proton if the Deck garners a large enough gathering future games may become native.

We can only hope!
x_wing Feb 17, 2022
Quoting: kit89It's good to see games being updated to work better on the Steam Deck. Though many of these games work on top of Proton if the Deck garners a large enough gathering future games may become native.

We can only hope!

Or it can help with Vulkan adoption. Many games may think twice before committing to DX12 if there is a big enough market that will get performance benefits from that decision.
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