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Google announces Steam for ChromeOS Chromebooks in 'Alpha'

By - | Views: 24,656

It's finally here in Alpha, Google and Valve have brought Steam to ChromeOS giving even more platforms using Linux a chance to get their gaming on.

This is another huge step for Linux gaming. Even though ChromeOS isn't exactly a traditional Linux distribution, the Steam client on it is still pretty much the same as the one available for Linux desktops and runs inside Google's special "borealis" Linux container.

Announced during the Google for Games Developer Summit 2022 Keynote, they said it's available for "select" Chromebooks for users to try.

They said to check out info on their community forum, which actually has nothing posted on it right now. Will update when it does with what info they provide. More to come…

Update — their post on the Chromebook community forum is now live, but it still doesn't actually give any info:

As you may have already heard, our team is working with Valve to bring Steam to Chrome OS. We are very excited to share that we’ll be landing an early, alpha-quality version of Steam on Chrome OS in the Dev channel for a small set of Chromebooks coming soon. Please come back to the forum for more information!
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Tags: Google, Misc, Steam
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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slaapliedje Mar 30, 2022
Quoting: NodSteam on Linux on ARM =>
Wonder how this leads to there being a native version for m1 Macs. It's a little crusty (the Mac Steam version). Of course it doesn't help that huge swaths of my Steam Library are unusable because of Apple ditching 32bit support....
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