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In a fresh interview with IGN, Valve developer Lawrence Yang spoke about a number of things and it sounds like you may get your Steam Deck perhaps a little sooner than expected.

Right now, Valve use a special queue system giving reservations a rather broad time on when to expect a Steam Deck delivery like Q2 or after-Q2. The good news is though, production is quickly ramping up. Yang mentioned how "in production terms it'll ramp very quickly, in the first month very quickly we'll be in the tens of thousands, by the second month we'll be in the hundreds of thousands and beyond that it'll grow even quicker". Yang also mentioned how once they get into the after-Q2 launch period, things will get a lot clearer.

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Sadly Valve will not give numbers yet but they do seem surprised at the level of sales on the Deck. Sounds like it has pretty clearly been a hit already, which is good news!

Yang also made it clear they are in touch with many developers to get them to support the Deck. That goes for both fixing bugs in Proton and helping developers to enable anti-cheat. Just yesterday we saw Apex Legends start working (my video), although no one has announced anything on it yet.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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based Mar 3, 2022
My favourite post of the month prolly, all I can do is hope :D
Lestibournes Mar 4, 2022
As others have said, the minimum for "hundreds of thousands" is 100,000. So for 12 months it's 1.2 million, and for 5 years it's 6 million units, which is about 5% of what the Switch sold in the first 5 years, as a minimum. Not too bad in my opinion.
Philadelphus Mar 4, 2022
To everyone claiming* that "Actually, 'tens of thousands' could mean 10k + 1!", I'd like to point out that "tens of thousands" could also technically mean 100k − 1 and "hundreds of thousands" could also mean 1M − 1, so if we run those numbers instead, we get 2,099,997 Steam Decks produced by the end of June.
(And of course, that's not taking into account the "beyond that it'll grow even quicker" comment after the end of May.)

*Debatably; that's the level of pedantry I'd expect out of Microsoft lawyers fighting a billion-dollar anti-trust fine, and I don't agree that anyone using "tens of thousands" colloquially—as Yang is clearly doing here—would agree that it could be interpreted that way.
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