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War Thunder major update 'Wind of Change' out now

By - | Views: 17,989

Gaijin Entertainment's online combat game War Thunder has another massive upgrade with 'Wind of Change' out now bringing in lots of enhancements.

With an update to their new Dagor Engine 6.5 this brings new graphical features to maps including texture upscaling, new surface rendering options, a new Ultra HD texture pack, thick smoke now casts a shadow, new dust effects, a bunch of other new visual effects, a Beta roll-out of the Israel Ground Forces, new location for combined battles "Sun city", dynamic wind and much more.

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Lofty Mar 24, 2022
Quoting: dubigrasu
Quoting: Lofty
Quoting: dubigrasuMan, I remember playing this extensively back in the day, it was probably my first foray in multiplayer games.
I thought it was so cool to play with other real people, not npc/whatever.
That until I enabled the chat and read it. I never played it again.

In game chat stopped you playing a game ? I mean you enabled it, so presumably you could disable it and you thought it was cool prior to enabling the chat also.
Do I really need to elaborate?

Of course it's your choice, but missing out on an entire gaming experience because of [going to assume it's an 'ism thing] when you have the option to just not enable the text seems like your the one who is suffering. How many games are you going to read stuff you don't like in ? Eventually if it's online almost all of them which means no or minimal online gaming for you i guess.
Don't get me wrong i respect that you stuck to your values [a rare quality]. A long while ago i decided to refund a game in a similar manner although for me the game had forced ON voice chat and pretty much minimum 32 - 64 players screaming at each other every round.. but if it was just a text box i could disable then i would not of done it. Most games you can't even disable the text chat so with war thunder you have even more options than 90% of other online games.

Each to their own.

Last edited by Lofty on 24 March 2022 at 8:58 pm UTC
dubigrasu Mar 24, 2022
Quoting: Lofty
Quoting: dubigrasu
Quoting: Lofty
Quoting: dubigrasuMan, I remember playing this extensively back in the day, it was probably my first foray in multiplayer games.
I thought it was so cool to play with other real people, not npc/whatever.
That until I enabled the chat and read it. I never played it again.

In game chat stopped you playing a game ? I mean you enabled it, so presumably you could disable it and you thought it was cool prior to enabling the chat also.
Do I really need to elaborate?

Of course it's your choice, but missing out on an entire gaming experience because of [going to assume it's an 'ism thing] when you have the option to just not enable the text seems like your the one who is suffering. How many games are you going to read stuff you don't like in ? Eventually if it's online almost all of them which means no or minimal online gaming for you i guess.
Don't get me wrong i respect that you stuck to your values [a rare quality]. A long while ago i decided to refund a game in a similar manner although for me the game had forced ON voice chat and pretty much minimum 32 - 64 players screaming at each other every round.. but if it was just a text box i could disable then i would not of done it. Most games you can't even disable the text chat so with war thunder you have even more options than 90% of other online games.

Each to their own.
To keep it short:
Before reading the chat I thought we were all having fun.
After reading the chat I realized that everybody was hating everyone else, including the members of their own team.
I tried to continue with the chat disabled, but the fun wasn't there anymore.
Liam Dawe Mar 24, 2022
Quoting: dubigrasu
Quoting: Lofty
Quoting: dubigrasu
Quoting: Lofty
Quoting: dubigrasuMan, I remember playing this extensively back in the day, it was probably my first foray in multiplayer games.
I thought it was so cool to play with other real people, not npc/whatever.
That until I enabled the chat and read it. I never played it again.

In game chat stopped you playing a game ? I mean you enabled it, so presumably you could disable it and you thought it was cool prior to enabling the chat also.
Do I really need to elaborate?

Of course it's your choice, but missing out on an entire gaming experience because of [going to assume it's an 'ism thing] when you have the option to just not enable the text seems like your the one who is suffering. How many games are you going to read stuff you don't like in ? Eventually if it's online almost all of them which means no or minimal online gaming for you i guess.
Don't get me wrong i respect that you stuck to your values [a rare quality]. A long while ago i decided to refund a game in a similar manner although for me the game had forced ON voice chat and pretty much minimum 32 - 64 players screaming at each other every round.. but if it was just a text box i could disable then i would not of done it. Most games you can't even disable the text chat so with war thunder you have even more options than 90% of other online games.

Each to their own.
To keep it short:
Before reading the chat I thought we were all having fun.
After reading the chat I realized that everybody was hating everyone else, including the members of their own team.
I tried to continue with the chat disabled, but the fun wasn't there anymore.
Sounds like what happened with me and Dota 2. Such a shame, loved the gameplay but talking is part of it and people are just terrible.
Lofty Mar 24, 2022
Quoting: dubigrasuTo keep it short:
Before reading the chat I thought we were all having fun.
After reading the chat I realized that everybody was hating everyone else, including the members of their own team.
I tried to continue with the chat disabled, but the fun wasn't there anymore.

Maybe the next match may of have been different? I have been in games where the chat was really killing the fun vibe and then the next time i load the game chat has been hilarious or pretty chill. I get where you coming from though, with 250 million steam accounts there are going to be a plentiful amount of a-holes and war games aren't exactly a place where people go to express peace, love and harmony. It can really ruin a game, but im willing to keep at it at least for a while as i know not all of the times i play are going to be like that.

That said i don't play a lot of online games these days on voice, but im fairly sure it's not as savage as xboxlive was back in the days on games like COD 🤯

Last edited by Lofty on 24 March 2022 at 10:45 pm UTC
Tuxee Mar 24, 2022
Quoting: dubigrasuMan, I remember playing this extensively back in the day, it was probably my first foray in multiplayer games.
I thought it was so cool to play with other real people, not npc/whatever.
That until I enabled the chat and read it. I never played it again.

Really? What? I mean War Thunder is super-tame. Really. I've played Heroes of Newerth. Once. That was pure constant verbal abuse. But War Thunder? Come on, some frustrated dude might call you an idiot (this dude could be me), but that's about how far it goes. Since the invasion of Ukraine they've disabled the chat entirely, but even before that everything was pretty civilized. The most severe incident was some guy spouting antisemitism. Got reported (and probably banned).
Purple Library Guy Mar 24, 2022
Quoting: Tuxee
Quoting: dubigrasuMan, I remember playing this extensively back in the day, it was probably my first foray in multiplayer games.
I thought it was so cool to play with other real people, not npc/whatever.
That until I enabled the chat and read it. I never played it again.

Really? What? I mean War Thunder is super-tame. Really. I've played Heroes of Newerth. Once. That was pure constant verbal abuse. But War Thunder? Come on, some frustrated dude might call you an idiot (this dude could be me), but that's about how far it goes. Since the invasion of Ukraine they've disabled the chat entirely, but even before that everything was pretty civilized. The most severe incident was some guy spouting antisemitism. Got reported (and probably banned).
Not sure why not one, but two people are busily telling dubigrasu how they're supposed to feel about things. If they're not enjoying it, they're not enjoying it--you can't force them to.
Lofty Mar 24, 2022
Quoting: Purple Library GuyNot sure why not one, but two people are busily telling dubigrasu how they're supposed to feel about things. If they're not enjoying it, they're not enjoying it--you can't force them to.

that's a strange interpretation. From my posts in any case.
Tuxee Mar 24, 2022
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: Tuxee
Quoting: dubigrasuMan, I remember playing this extensively back in the day, it was probably my first foray in multiplayer games.
I thought it was so cool to play with other real people, not npc/whatever.
That until I enabled the chat and read it. I never played it again.

Really? What? I mean War Thunder is super-tame. Really. I've played Heroes of Newerth. Once. That was pure constant verbal abuse. But War Thunder? Come on, some frustrated dude might call you an idiot (this dude could be me), but that's about how far it goes. Since the invasion of Ukraine they've disabled the chat entirely, but even before that everything was pretty civilized. The most severe incident was some guy spouting antisemitism. Got reported (and probably banned).
Not sure why not one, but two people are busily telling dubigrasu how they're supposed to feel about things. If they're not enjoying it, they're not enjoying it--you can't force them to.

Sure if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. It's just I can't imagine that he can enjoy any other multiplayer online game, since from my experience they are all far far worse.
Eike Mar 25, 2022
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Quoting: TuxeeSure if he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it. It's just I can't imagine that he can enjoy any other multiplayer online game, since from my experience they are all far far worse.

Me, I basically quit multiplayer games back in the old CoD BlackOps days, when you couldn't choose a server with decently people (banning indecently behaving people) anymore. Frozen Synapse was a great exception.
higuita Mar 29, 2022
Quoting: TermyHow's the native client going nowadays? Haven't played it in a long time since EAC got introduced and back then the native client was more or less useless.

Much better now, the vulkan port did improved the game a lot in linux, from the old opengl4 (and then back to opengl3, shared with mac, as opengl4 was only used in linux and they wanted to free resources for vulkan developement)
previous release did had sometimes a hole in the sky, but in this new release i still didn't found any problem.

Performance is good, i do not have windows to compare and i avoid wine/proton. I play mostly realistic battles and had no problems
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