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Claustrowordia, a fun free crossword-type game from Ludum Dare 50

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The Game Jam Ludum Dare 50 is over and the overall winner appears to be Claustrowordia, and it turns out it actually is a great crossword-type game.

You're given a basic starting board with a few letters filled, and a few letters of your own to place onto it. The difference here is that you can place your letters anywhere. It's a clever little tweak to the usual word-game and it's pretty amazing that this came from a Game Jam, made solo in 28 hours. I've played quite a bit of it, and it supports a few different languages too. All languages play the same, it just changes the dictionary and word definitions used.

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Honestly, it's always amazing to see what comes out of a Game Jam like Super Hot, Surgeon Simulator, Broforce and a great many more.

You can play free by downloading or playing in your browser on the page. The source code is also available for people to learn from on GitHub (it uses Unity).

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

BalkanSpy Apr 28, 2022
Wait what, only 28 hours. I refuse to believe that.

Then again, when I look at the authors it seems he made a lot of similar games in the past. With that kind of experience it should be possible to make something like this solo in such a short time.

Still makes your brain twist in disbelief though.
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