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Save the Bees on May 20 with the release of APICO

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Probably one of the most important creatures on Earth and now you'll be looking after them in APICO on May 20, 2022. Developed by the brotherly duo that is TNgineers, along with publishing from Whitethorn Games, this is the next big cozy indie game you need to keep on your radar.

A peaceful game where you explore, build and take care of nature's precious pollinators. Collect them, breed them and more in a game that combines together elements of resource gathering, biology, and beekeeping minigames, taking ideas from a mix of real-life and fantasy apiculture and floriculture. As you expand, you will be able to find lost species, cross-breed and repopulate various islands. Sounds like a perfect game to cozy up with on a Steam Deck to me.

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Game Features:

  • Unique crafting & beekeeping minigames that drive gameplay progression
  • Cross-breed different bees to discover over 30 new species
  • Make and sell honey, Apicola, and other beekeeping products
  • Repopulate lost species and release them back into the wild
  • Multiple biomes to explore, each with their own unique bee species
  • Uncover the forgotten secrets of the APICO islands
  • Play together with friends in 4 player online co-op!

Not only does it seem like a wonderful game that I very much enjoyed the demo with, it will also help support the Bees! The developers will be donating a portion of sales towards national and international bee, beekeeping, & wild bee conservation charities. Gotta save the Bees!

It will be available on itch.io and Steam.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pengling May 12, 2022
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I'm not 100% sure if the game will be my sort of thing (I'll have to give the demo a look), but supporting the bees is a Very Good Thing!

Uncanny timing with this one, actually - it's been unseasonably cold, so I've had to put out the occasional saucer of sugar-water for bees who've crashed out due to the flowers blooming later than usual, lately, which thankfully got them on the move again. Support your local bees, everybody!

Last edited by Pengling on 12 May 2022 at 5:09 pm UTC
Deleted_User May 13, 2022
@pengling: May I ask where you live? Usually, if it is too cold for flower blooming it is also too cold for (honey) bees to fly. So your sugar water would be useless, unless you put it directly into the hive.

I'm a beekeeper myself (in Germany) and interessted in ways of beekeeping / helping bees all around the globe.
Pengling May 13, 2022
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Quoting: Deleted_User@pengling: May I ask where you live? Usually, if it is too cold for flower blooming it is also too cold for (honey) bees to fly. So your sugar water would be useless, unless you put it directly into the hive.

I'm a beekeeper myself (in Germany) and interessted in ways of beekeeping / helping bees all around the globe.
I'm in the UK. I should be clearer, there are flowers blooming, but definitely less than usual around here, and there have been a handful of struggling bees around my property.

Quoting: Deleted_UserI'm a beekeeper myself (in Germany) and interessted in ways of beekeeping / helping bees all around the globe.
I'm a little too squeamish for it, but I think that that's such an awesome job - kudos to you!
WorMzy May 13, 2022
As an avid mead brewer (and drinker!) I'd love to keep bees myself, but we're not allowed hives on our allotment, and I think a hive would struggle in my tiny garden.

On-topic: I've added the game to my wishlist, roll on the 20th!
Deleted_User May 16, 2022
@WorMzy: If you are serious you could easily find a way. First of all you could get in touch with the local Beekeeeper's Association, often they have a apiary for teaching purposes. And there are many companies and associations who like to have a beehive around for the most different reasons.
I myself look after beehives who stand at a hospice. As i live in a town and couldn't manage to get a garden i have the same problem as you. But one should be sure as the initial investment could easily surpass 3k Euro with raw material prices as high as nowadays.

PS. Met is a way to process 'honey' of lesser quality (that is, honey which is to wet to be sold as honey).

Last edited by Deleted_User on 16 May 2022 at 7:22 am UTC
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