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The Heroic Games Launcher for Epic Games and GOG on Linux has a huge new Beta release (plus a bug fixes for the stable build) with loads of fancy new features.

Why should you use the Heroic Games Launcher? Well, Epic Games and GOG don't support Linux with their launchers and so playing games from them can be a bit of a nuisance on Linux and Steam Deck. This way you get a handy launcher to keep them nicely up to date. It's free and open source too, so anyone can help improve it!

With the 2.4.0 Beta 2 release now out it adds in:

  • GOG Cloud Save, which works with Windows games run through Wine / Proton, as GOG doesn't support it for Native Linux games.
  • Epic Overlay Support.
  • Support for the Easy Anti-Cheat and BattlEye Runtimes (for games that have support hooked up). They also list anti-cheat status on game pages supplied by, although that might not be too accurate.
  • A new easier way of adding environment variables or wrappers to launch games with.
  • A way to add a game shortcut directly to Steam (as a Non-Steam Game).
  • Electron was updated to v19.
  • Legendary was updated to v0.20.27.
  • GOGDL was updated to v0.4.
  • Various other improvements.

On top of that the stable version 2.3.10 was also released fixing up a couple of issues.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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EWG Jul 19, 2022
Quoting: Stoney_FishFor some reason it said the disk was not writable.

That's a Flatpak application, right? Check the permissions it has. There's a GUI app called flatseal that helps with managing everything flatapps can do including what directories they'll allowed to access.
Stoney_Fish Jul 20, 2022
Quoting: EWGThat's a Flatpak application, right? Check the permissions it has. There's a GUI app called flatseal that helps with managing everything flatapps can do including what directories they'll allowed to access.

It's from the deb ver 2.3.9

I'm sure it was a problem with the disk.

I see that the Epic / GOG game filter is on 2.4.0 Beta 2

Anyway I installed the GOG - Star Trek - Elite force II. no problems.
Manually set the resolution to 1920x1080 and it is working. Did the tutorial with Tuvok.

skoruppa Jul 20, 2022
Epic Overlay support works great. I can now play Fall Guys with friends without turning Epic Luncher on :)
Whitewolfe80 Jul 21, 2022
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: Whitewolfe80
Quoting: slaapliedjeThanks GOG for not support cloud slaves on Linux. Keeping up the impression that it is barely supported by you...

You would think by how much they are hurting lately, that they'd want to try to support as many platforms as possible for the 'easy' releases (ones that have Linux native support in parity with what Steam has). Hell, especially the DOSBox ones, those are just randomly 'not for Linux'. One would think it'd be fairly straight forward to create an auto-build system that just packages up any DOSBox game into a nice Linux installer.

Is it not still a licensing thing they have the right to sell for Windows but haven't stumped up the cash to have the Linux licence. Or perhaps the publisher has said that's a hard no for Linux. Either way in my eyes gog gave up on Linux long long ago
Who knows. I do find it amusing that the game cracks of old that so many were afraid were malware are basically likely the same cracks that GOG uses to make these games playable via DOSBox.

I also find it surprising that Wine is now capable of using some of those same copy protection schemes that some thought would never work. There very much used to be a time when NoCD cracks were required for Wine to work, but I have had games from the raw disc install work fine, but only after mounting it.

Def have a point on the cracks the weird thing for me is looking at an odd time,here where PS3 and 360 era games at least the pc versions are fading off due to licences. While not the best game in the world 007 bloodstone, was decent activation didnt re up the trademark.So now it's delisted and the only way to play it is to obtain it via the good ship pirate.
tpau Jul 22, 2022
Quoting: GuestUnfortunately not in some countries like Germany. We are blocked from a shitton of releases. Especially VNs and some other as well (especially shooters). Sucks :/
I only remember some versions of Unreal being inaccessible with a german ip adress on the gog store.
Although i don't think they are dangerous at all :)
Mrowl Jul 29, 2022
Quoting: Blender-samaI think that is way at the bottom of their todo list. Valve is a company trying to make money. They sell the Steam Deck at a loss and subsidize it with game sales. Why would they want to support other stores in their own OS.

Because it gets more people to use their OS instead of Windows. And even if they add support for other stores, etc, Steam will still be the first and main store the user sees, and prefers to buy games from. Stuff like achievements, friends, etc, will still have an intrinsic incoporation with the OS, and keep the user within the Steam ecosystem while using the OS.
Hey guys, how do I install the beta on the steam deck?
slaapliedje Aug 4, 2022
Quoting: WONTTEDTOMASHey guys, how do I install the beta on the steam deck?
Of the Heroic Game Launcher? There is a beta flathub to add. I do not recommend it though, caused my Deck to not be able to update anything in flatpak. Though of course it may work fine for you. I had two packages installed and I think it just got confused until I specifically removed them from command line.

Last edited by slaapliedje on 4 August 2022 at 11:33 am UTC
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