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Valve testing new mobile Steam app with QR codes for sign ins

By - | Views: 72,835

Valve are now testing a new version of the Steam app for Android and iOS, which comes with a much more modern design and a QR code login system too.

From the announcement Valve say it has been rebuilt "on a new framework and modernized the design", joking that 2015 called and wanted their app back. As before you can browse the store, get Steam Guard codes and confirm trades but you also now get the brand new QR code sign in system that many other applications also offer (like Discord). So you can scan it with your phone on the web, and not have to enter a password.

The new app also has smarter notifications, an improved library views and there's also now multi-account support which has become increasingly important especially with the Steam Deck now too. There's a new Steam Group you can join to get updates on it.

I would have taken some shots, but seeing as I'm now on iOS myself it's limited to 10,000 people and that filled up within seconds of the original announcements. Here's some shots from a reader on Android (click to enlarge):

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Apps, Misc, Steam
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BlackBloodRum Aug 25, 2022
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Valve just remembered they have a mobile app!

With that said, I hope it doesn't interfere with the current 2FA system too much - as with the current system I have it working in KeePassXC and don't require the app every time I need to login on my desktop (which is frequent due to my VPN)

So hopefully they haven't changed / altered the 2FA code system.
belisama Aug 25, 2022
So this is using a QR code to log into the website? Ugh, what's the point of that, logging into a real website on a real computer is easy. With something like KeePass, it's just a few keystrokes. What would actually be useful is using QR codes to log into phone apps, instead of having to do a prolonged, error-prone hunt-and-peck.
Hohlraum Aug 25, 2022
The app already knows when you are trying to sign in. Why not just ask. "Are you trying to sign in?" [YES] [NO]. Having to extra steps is still a pain in the ass.
Hohlraum Aug 25, 2022
Quoting: belisamaSo this is using a QR code to log into the website? Ugh, what's the point of that, logging into a real website on a real computer is easy. With something like KeePass, it's just a few keystrokes. What would actually be useful is using QR codes to log into phone apps, instead of having to do a prolonged, error-prone hunt-and-peck.

What you are avoiding isn't just the username/pass. It's the 2-factor code (which is also a pain in the butt).
belisama Aug 25, 2022
Quoting: HohlraumWhat you are avoiding isn't just the username/pass. It's the 2-factor code (which is also a pain in the butt).

*shrug* Okay, offer it in both directions.
Lofty Aug 25, 2022
is the QR code like the TOTP feature on KeepassXC, as in you can store your TOTP number in a database to use to login but use the QR code feature instead of the timed cryptographic number.
CyborgZeta Aug 25, 2022
So if I'm understanding this right, the new phone app comes with QR scanning you can use to log into said phone app...by scanning it with your phone. I could understand desktop Steam providing a QR code for scanning, but how do you scan the phone one if it's on your phone? I'm sure I've missed something really obvious here, so I hope a smarter one than I comes along to explain.
belisama Aug 25, 2022
Quoting: CyborgZetaSo if I'm understanding this right, the new phone app comes with QR scanning you can use to log into said phone app...by scanning it with your phone. I could understand desktop Steam providing a QR code for scanning, but how do you scan the phone one if it's on your phone? I'm sure I've missed something really obvious here, so I hope a smarter one than I comes along to explain.

No, how it works is that you're already logged into your phone and then to log into the website (from a laptop or desktop computer) you scan the QR with your (logged in) phone.
Philadelphus Aug 25, 2022
Quoting: BlackBloodRumValve just remembered they have a mobile app!

With that said, I hope it doesn't interfere with the current 2FA system too much - as with the current system I have it working in KeePassXC and don't require the app every time I need to login on my desktop (which is frequent due to my VPN)

So hopefully they haven't changed / altered the 2FA code system.
Does that handle entering the code for you? That's pretty slick.
Quoting: Hohlraum
Quoting: belisamaSo this is using a QR code to log into the website? Ugh, what's the point of that, logging into a real website on a real computer is easy. With something like KeePass, it's just a few keystrokes. What would actually be useful is using QR codes to log into phone apps, instead of having to do a prolonged, error-prone hunt-and-peck.

What you are avoiding isn't just the username/pass. It's the 2-factor code (which is also a pain in the butt).
TOTP 2-factor authentication is not a pain if you use a good app (I use OTPClient and it just 2 extra clicks.)

Steam doesn't support TOTP though: they use their own nonstandard system. That seems like the real problem.
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