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Valve testing new mobile Steam app with QR codes for sign ins

By - | Views: 72,834

Valve are now testing a new version of the Steam app for Android and iOS, which comes with a much more modern design and a QR code login system too.

From the announcement Valve say it has been rebuilt "on a new framework and modernized the design", joking that 2015 called and wanted their app back. As before you can browse the store, get Steam Guard codes and confirm trades but you also now get the brand new QR code sign in system that many other applications also offer (like Discord). So you can scan it with your phone on the web, and not have to enter a password.

The new app also has smarter notifications, an improved library views and there's also now multi-account support which has become increasingly important especially with the Steam Deck now too. There's a new Steam Group you can join to get updates on it.

I would have taken some shots, but seeing as I'm now on iOS myself it's limited to 10,000 people and that filled up within seconds of the original announcements. Here's some shots from a reader on Android (click to enlarge):

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Tags: Apps, Misc, Steam
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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wit_as_a_riddle Sep 5, 2022
Quoting: Eike
Quoting: wit_as_a_riddleSo, any of you security experts actually try the app? 🤣🤣🤣

Well, I tried it after your comment and now I will take a look how to get rid of it again.

It's very easy to leave the beta, I only have android so for that just go to the Steam app in the Play store and press "leave" under there it says "You're a beta tester".

Quoting: EikeIt's got severe longer loading times than the old one on my mobile. It shows me lots of crap I don't care for, and what I actually care for, new discussion posts, is a) well hidden, b) hardly set apart from old discussions and c), when I choose a thread with new posts, it loads quite some seconds just to not bring me to the first new item. I'd rather use the web site on my mobile browser than this.

That seems like the opposite of my experience, the old app was crap, and the new one is magic. I don't know what kind of phone you have, maybe there's a difference due to that.

You know you can dictate what page you land on? It would be nice for you if discussions were one of the options, since it's just a beta, maybe they'll add it.

Did you mean new discussion posts are well hidden or that discussions are well hidden? I'm sure your feedback will be helpful to Valve.
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