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Heroes of Might and Magic II & III open source game engines get new releases

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This is a bit of a double event. Not only has the Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine fheroes2 seen a new release, but a surprise update of VCMI for Heroes of Might and Magic III was also released.

For VCMI, it had been multiple years since the last release and they're calling this the big 1.0 meaning it should be fully playable. Both projects have an aim to keep the games going on modern platforms, along with a number of modern enhancement tweaks to get them working and feeling just a bit nicer.

The new VCMI 1.0 release adds in:

  • Spectator mode was implemented through command-line options.
  • Some main menu settings get saved after returning to main menu - last selected map, save etc.
  • Restart scenario button should work correctly now.
  • Skyship Grail works now immediately after capturing without battle.
  • Lodestar Grail implemented.
  • Fixed Gargoyles immunity.
  • Big multiplayer improvements including loading and saving, restarting and hotseat support.
  • Improved modding support.
  • Lots of AI improvements.
  • Improvements to the random map generator.

And there's loads more, it's a huge release!

On the other side is fheroes2 version 0.9.19 adding in:

  • Polish rendering of objects on Adventure Map.
  • Introduce instant finishing of battles and enhanced army exchange mechanics.
  • Improve AI to avoid endlessly wandering on one place, correct start resources for them and artifact evaluation.
  • Add Campaign difficulty.
  • Over 30 bugs are fixed since 0.9.18 release.

For both games you need the original data files, which you can grab from GOG:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Cyril Sep 17, 2022
Wow, finally a new release of VCMI, nearly 6 years after the last one!
Waiting for the AUR package update to try it out.
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