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Splitgate development is over, as the devs move onto their next game

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Splitgate, the first-person shooter with portals, is no longer getting actively developed as the developer has seemingly given up with it to move onto a new game.

Announced in various places like their official blog, it reads like they were trying to salvage something that needed too much work to become better "we’ve spent a lot of our time trying to rework old content and systems that were originally built by a handful of people" and "in order to build the game fans deserve – and to build it in a way that isn’t trying to retrofit and live operate an existing product – we are ending feature development of Splitgate".

So they're now instead moving onto a new game that sounds very much like it will just be Splitgate 2. They said it will be a "shooter, it will have portals, and it will be built in Unreal Engine 5" and it will also be free.

The good news for fans of Splitgate, is that it's not actually going anywhere. They will keep it all online, it may get bug fixes here and there and a fresh free Battle Pass is rolling out on September 15 but that seems like the last of new stuff for it. They also have an FAQ up for any burning questions you might have.

At one point it seemed like it was going to truly be the next big thing. In August of 2021 around the time of their Open Beta, it saw a high of over 60,000 people playing at once. That was short lived though, with it losing the majority of that over only a few months. It rarely sees more than 2,000 online at any time now.

So they're not saying it directly, but it clearly wasn't the continued success they were likely hoping for and with all the funding they gathered initially — they're trying to do something else.

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mt Sep 2, 2022
Oh man, this sucks big time.

Poured in well over a hundred hours into the game, and enjoyed it very much.

Still, good luck to the team at 1047 on their new game, in the hopes that it will actually be worth giving up one of the better shooters and one of the very few great PvP movement shooters of the past few years.

Last edited by mt on 2 September 2022 at 4:51 pm UTC
Mashard4 Sep 2, 2022
Got a lot of love for this game. Really fun. Hopefully, their next game is also native for Linux.
lectrode Sep 2, 2022
Having just attended the "town hall" on their discord server, it seems very much like they essentially want to take what they've learned from the original splitgate game, and remake it in the latest game engine, while making changes they couldn't make to the original game. Also, from the FAQ:
QuoteWe can’t reveal much about our next game, but we are taking this opportunity to build something better than the original Splitgate. And that means characters, weapons, and the progression system are all going to evolve.

Honestly, this is probably the best choice they could have made. Players will have access to both the original game / styles / mechanics, while also having access to a new game where those things have changed to better match what they want to make. If they just made those kinds of changes to the original game, they would undoubtedly alienate loyal players who preferred things the "old" way.

It also sounds like it's going to be a good while before they have anything ready. They were not ready to discuss any specific gameplay features/modes/styles aside from that it will be a "shooter with portals". They also, unsurprisingly, weren't ready to say what platforms would be supported. Hopefully they continue to support Linux / Steam Deck like they have.

In the meantime, I'm still hoping they fix the CPU/GPU usage bug on Linux and Steam Deck for the current game. If you go into a string of matches, it's fine, but as soon as you go out to the main menu, the CPU usage increases substantially (for me, CPU goes from 14% to 28%). Every subsequent time you go from a match back to the main menu, it jumps up (by 14% for me). It's like the menu scene is duplicated each time. I've confirmed that behavior on both my gaming tower (i7-3770 + gtx 970), and steam deck (bug report was already submitted some weeks ago on both steam discussions and "officially" through their discord form).
SlickMcRunFast Sep 2, 2022
It was fun and a much needed break from battle royal games. LAN party in the grave yard with Ballistic Overkill.
Whitewolfe80 Sep 3, 2022
Quoting: SlickMcRunFastIt was fun and a much needed break from battle royal games. LAN party in the grave yard with Ballistic Overkill.

Ballistic overkill is actually still going its just only community servers of which there are a handfull but i got into full games for about two weeks before school holday here in the UK. But It is a shame about splitgate turns out am very good at this multi player but only got about 200 hours in and it can be hard to get into full games during the week.
Linuxer Sep 3, 2022
SplitGate has been passed, now into the SplitTown! (sorry i had to). A native built is apparently in the works for this upcoming point and clicker
14 Sep 3, 2022
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I like Splitgate. The reason I seldom play isn't because it's not good, it's because I am simply not into competitive shooters so much these days. Insurgency: Sandstorm and Deep Rock Galactic get my play time WAY more often because shooting AI is more fun to me (probably because more predictable, aka less stressful). I have gotten MVP many times in Splitgate, so it's not that I suck. It's more taxing and stressful.
officernice Sep 5, 2022
Quoting: 14I like Splitgate. The reason I seldom play isn't because it's not good, it's because I am simply not into competitive shooters so much these days. Insurgency: Sandstorm and Deep Rock Galactic get my play time WAY more often because shooting AI is more fun to me (probably because more predictable, aka less stressful). I have gotten MVP many times in Splitgate, so it's not that I suck. It's more taxing and stressful.

Yeah, I also found it more stressful. The maps weren't always the best, either. There's a lot of potential there to build upon and make it flow way better. The Linux port weren't the best, though. Sometimes the colours would just be replaced with this weird rainbow flicker, and the menu often felt unresponsive to the mouse.
14 Sep 16, 2022
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Quoting: officernice
Quoting: 14I like Splitgate. The reason I seldom play isn't because it's not good, it's because I am simply not into competitive shooters so much these days. Insurgency: Sandstorm and Deep Rock Galactic get my play time WAY more often because shooting AI is more fun to me (probably because more predictable, aka less stressful). I have gotten MVP many times in Splitgate, so it's not that I suck. It's more taxing and stressful.

Yeah, I also found it more stressful. The maps weren't always the best, either. There's a lot of potential there to build upon and make it flow way better. The Linux port weren't the best, though. Sometimes the colours would just be replaced with this weird rainbow flicker, and the menu often felt unresponsive to the mouse.
I also had to turn off my wing monitor to prevent my mouse from sometimes clicking outside the game and minimizing it! That has killed me multiple times. Turning off my monitor is an annoying prep step.
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