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shapez 2 an automation, management & factory-building game announced

By - | Views: 26,666

For fans of games like Factorio, the original shapez was a pretty fun take on the automation and factory-building genre and it's getting a bigger follow-up with shapez 2. It will include Native Linux support once again too.

It's going from 2D to 3D too, with the aim to be much bigger and have a higher production value this time. However, they will include the option to switch between 2D and 3D modes which could be quite interesting.

The goal is the same as before: build up a huge factory in order to process increasing numbers, types, and colours of shapes. Build machines, place down long conveyor belts and design vast transport networks. However, this time it will spice things up with a layers system, letting you build across 3 layers you can swap between and build across all of them.

Not only that, the machines themselves will be more open so you can see them actually doing the cutting. Sounds like it could be pretty sweet.

Additionally, the maps will look to be more interesting. Instead of a basic flat map, shapez 2 will have island you need to craft to expand your building area. Linking in with that, mass transport that gives you access to a sort-of train like system to get goods everywhere.

No release date set yet.

You can follow it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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MayeulC Nov 14, 2022
Wow, this looks much better than I expected!

In other news, the similar and open-source Mindustry had a massive update recently :)
Ehvis Nov 14, 2022
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Wishlisted it immediately when I noticed it this weekend. I wonder how well they can make the 3d aspect scale though.

Seems to be a far away thing though. Although Steam has it as "coming soon", the website says that release is at least 12 months away.
Siinamon Nov 15, 2022
Quoting: MayeulCIn other news, the similar and open-source Mindustry had a massive update recently :)

I feel spoiled by these updates lately!
Pit Nov 16, 2022
Gee, I had just bought a week ago, and dumped 80 hours in there since then
Good shapez 2 is (seemingly) still a year away (and likely even further for those like me that wait for a GOG version).
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