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Alterium Shift is inspired by the JRPG greats, it's coming to Steam with Native Linux support and it has a brand new demo now available. Definitely reminds me of a few classics I played back in the day, with the developers saying they were inspired directly by older SNES titles and their love of games like Chrono Trigger and FFVI.

"Choose between three heroes in training; Pyra, Atlas, and Sage. Their teacher, Dolion, strives to mold his students into heroes, ones better than himself. The three heroes are taking their final test before being sent off on an important and life changing mission. Each character has a unique story path to experience and each path is filled with choices that are directed by the player. What fate awaits these heroes and can they accomplish the tasks set forth before them?"

Check out the trailer below:

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You can find the new demo on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Arehandoro Dec 9, 2022
- Alterium Shift used Nostalgia on @Arehandoro.

- It's very effective!
Pendragon Dec 9, 2022
been on my wishlist for a while now.. Chained Echoes just came out though, so that's currently higher on the playlist
kaiman Dec 10, 2022
Quoting: PendragonChained Echoes just came out though, so that's currently higher on the playlist
Yeah. I wanted not to buy that, as I still need to complete Eastward and Rise of the Third Power. But it looks amazing and has a native Linux version, so I could not resist. And I'm not even a JRPG fan! (at least that's what I keep telling myself)
Marlock Dec 11, 2022
It reminds me of Wild Arms!

Looks simple but cute (unlike many attemps which claim "retro" but are actually just rushed graphics) and fun (funny/catchy scenes including clever motion effects, couple hints of some story depth though I'm pretty hard to please on that front).

I'll definitely give it a better look (as well as the other games mentioned in previous comments)

Last edited by Marlock on 11 December 2022 at 2:43 pm UTC
neolith Dec 12, 2022
The graphics look a bit like Ys - nice! :)
DriftMonkey Dec 12, 2022
Quoting: Pendragonbeen on my wishlist for a while now.. Chained Echoes just came out though, so that's currently higher on the playlist

Chained Echoes is LEGIT. Surprised the launch didn’t get a mention here.
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