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Steam with Linux now available in Tesla cars (Beta)

By - | Views: 34,817

Here come a bunch more gamers using Linux, as Tesla have rolled out a software update that enables Steam in Beta.

Announced on Twitter with a video to show it off, you get access to many thousands of games. This is largely thanks to all the Linux work Valve has been doing through the Steam client, graphics drivers, Proton and more. Accessing Steam has been enabled on Model S & X (2022+) and requires "Premium Connectivity". From the changelog, it mentions specifically people can play anything that is Steam Deck Verified, although it's not clear if they're blocking games that aren't from working. So, it's basically a really expensive Steam Deck with wheels now.

Valve developer Pierre-Loup Griffais also put up a Twitter post on it, showing off a nice clear picture too:

Image Credit - Pierre-Loup Griffais on Twitter.

Previously, Tesla got investigated for the Passenger Play feature as the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration thought it would cause a distraction and was a safety issue. To counter it, Tesla disabled it while the vehicle is moving.

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Tags: Beta, Misc, Steam
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Purple Library Guy Dec 16, 2022
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: slaapliedjePersonally I'm just enjoying the show; you see I kind of like watching chaos unfold, and watching 'The Left' lose their minds because Twitter is no longer going to be banning / lowering visibility for 'The Right' just makes me giggle.
Mind you, no matter what he might claim he's not in favour of free speech. He's been actively banning leftists from Twitter--not just the random ones where he gets miffed cuz they said rude things about him, but quite a few more quietly at the request of alt-right figures, who are gleefully identifying who to censor. If it's just flipping who gets censored, is that really "chaos"?

Incidentally, "The Left" was never in control of Twitter in the first place. Liberals were, but that's rather a different thing. Actual leftists have always been more likely than the alt-right to get dropped off Twitter, Facebook, or any likelihood of showing up on Google searches. Much the way the US "liberal" media always tried way harder to sideline Sanders or the Green party than Trump or the alt-right, who always got tons of publicity.

All that said, with a couple of high-profile exceptions around stuff like Hunter Biden's laptop, Twitter never particularly went after the right as such. They went after the uncivil and threatening . . . just happens that the alt-right are more uncivil and threatening than liberals are. It's kind of like the way more than 90% of political violence in the United States is done by the far right. You see a politically motivated killing it's almost always someone on the far right. So then if some right winger comes along and says it's not fair, leftists should get arrested for terrorism just as much as rightists . . . well, no. So, sure, rules against being threatening and violently uncivil are in a sense fundamentally unfair to the right. But most threatening and uncivil stuff isn't political at all, or at least not overtly political, and a platform has to put a lid on it or you get tons of cyberbullying and doxxing and stuff.

So basically, any forum for discussion, in order to function decently and not turn into a hellscape, pretty much has to discriminate against the far right as a byproduct of what they do to make the forum work. There are two ways for the far right to avoid this problem: First, set up their own little spaces where they can be as horrible as they want, which is what they mostly do (and what Musk is now trying to turn Twitter into; he may be so successful it goes bankrupt). Or second, not act like total pricks. But would they still even be far right if they did that? It's a dilemma for the right, but I don't care.
My advice to anyone has always been 'extremism is bad, no matter which way you lean.' Unfortunately since so many people react before they think; you end up with a scale that leans one way too far, so then the other side tries striking back with a bigger pile of crap, so that the scales will then lean in their favor. There needs to be a balance. At least George Lucas understood that. :P
Well. Speaking as an extremist, I tend to disagree with you.
Does it ban you if you install games with LGBTQ characters?
Nezchan Dec 16, 2022
Quoting: RandomizedKirbyTree47Does it ban you if you install games with LGBTQ characters?

No, but the car bricks itself if you play a flight sim.

Joke RIPPED from today's headlines!
TherinS Dec 16, 2022
Quoting: Purple Library Guyquite a few more quietly at the request of alt-right figures, who are gleefully identifying who to censor.

Sources needed.


Quoting: Purple Library GuyIncidentally, "The Left" was never in control of Twitter in the first place. Liberals were, but that's rather a different thing.

30 years ago, maybe. Today they are the same.


Quoting: Purple Library GuyIt's kind of like the way more than 90% of political violence in the United States is done by the far right. You see a politically motivated killing it's almost always someone on the far right.

Um....Here is some data. TLDR; twice the percentage of violence is perpetrated by those claiming to be Democrat than Republican (4% vs 2%). It's close enough to not matter, though (scroll down to the pie chart).



Oh, you want examples of declared political ties? Don't mind if I do....

...but this one is independant, not Conservative like you would be suggesting....

Last edited by TherinS on 16 December 2022 at 3:20 am UTC
slaapliedje Dec 16, 2022
Quoting: TherinS
Quoting: Purple Library Guyquite a few more quietly at the request of alt-right figures, who are gleefully identifying who to censor.

Sources needed.


Quoting: Purple Library GuyIncidentally, "The Left" was never in control of Twitter in the first place. Liberals were, but that's rather a different thing.

30 years ago, maybe. Today they are the same.


Quoting: Purple Library GuyIt's kind of like the way more than 90% of political violence in the United States is done by the far right. You see a politically motivated killing it's almost always someone on the far right.

Um....Here is some data. TLDR; twice the percentage of violence is perpetrated by those claiming to be Democrat than Republican (4% vs 2%). It's close enough to not matter, though (scroll down to the pie chart).



Oh, you want examples of declared political ties? Don't mind if I do....

...but this one is independant, not Conservative like you would be suggesting....
Can confirm this is true based on using Cinderella as an avatar picture. Still one of my favorite bands!
Nod Dec 17, 2022
Its going to be interesting tracking these in the monthly Linux stats, will it be possible to easily identify them? How many Model S & X (2022+) are out there I wonder?
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