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Here's the winners of the 2022 Steam Awards

By - | Views: 25,044

The voting is over and The Steam Awards 2022 winners have been announced, so here's a run over each of them.

  • Game of the Year: Elden Ring
  • VR Games of the Year: Hitman 3
  • Labor of Love: Cyberpunk 2077
  • Better with Friends: Raft
  • Outstanding Visual Style: Spider-Man: Miles Morales
  • Most Innovative Gameplay: Stray
  • Best game you Suck At: Elden Ring
  • Best Soundtrack: Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
  • Outstanding Story-rich Game: God of War
  • Sit back and Relax: LEGO STAR WARS: The Skywalker Saga
  • Best game on the go: Death Stranding Director's Cut

What do you think of the winners of each category? It's a typical popularity contest, with those that have the biggest names and the most screen-time ending up winning. I definitely don't agree with some of them to be sure, although all the winners are arguably good games anyway.

The one that confuses me is Death Stranding Director's Cut for on the go, as the performance across two different Steam Decks for me is not great. Every BT encounter drops it way below 30, as does open world exploration repeatedly dropping it no matter the settings used.

The Steam Winter Sale 2022 is also still on right now too until January 5, 2023 at 10am PST / 6pm UTC. So you can pick up some of those above with a pretty nice discount.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc, Steam
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dpanter Jan 4, 2023
Cyberpunk 2077 should get the award for most developer abuse and bugs both at launch and post-one million patches. A crime and a complete joke that it beat Deep Rock Galactic for Labor Of Love.

Also Scorn was robbed of Outstanding Visual Style. Spider-Man MM looks good but it's just a game. Scorn is a masterclass in visual design. Guess it was just too disgusting, which in itself is another testament to its graphical prowess.
TheSHEEEP Jan 4, 2023
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Ah, once again showing why these lists are sometimes really weird depending on what the candidates and categories are.
Still WAY better than the ones hosted by a tightly knit clique of friends with aligning interests a select number of professional journalists weighing all options and striving for objectivity and not just their fancy.

Public votes such as these at least give you a better overall picture of what people liked (and how much) - but you sometimes completely lose any meaning of the categories. And then it all just comes down to a competition in popularity.

I'm honestly surprised by how many winners actually fit the category, but a few are head scratchers:
CP 2077 for "labor of love" - uh... fixing your released mess to be on the status it should have been from the get-go is a "labor of love" now? That says more about gamers' acceptance of terrible standards than it does about CD Project, really...
Especially compared to pearls like Deep Rock Galactic, which has been uniquely awesome and indeed full of love since its first day of early access.

Spider-Man for outstanding visual style is weird, too. Sure, it looks great, but its STYLE is just the standard "make it look realistic".

Stray for "Most Innovative Gameplay" is just outright insulting.
Don't get me wrong, it's a very cute game with great atmosphere and an interesting world, but the category is "Innovative Gameplay". And Stray is a walking sim with very mild platforming - with the only thing special about its gameplay being the controlled character being a cat.
Yeah, yeah, the internet loves cats. I am aware - but what a punch to the face of the titles that would have been way more deserving of that particular award.
Most likely this one just came down to "what game is known by more people".

Of course, some of the contenders are head scratchers as well - Mount & Blade II, for example. I love it, great game!
But it's pretty much a carbon copy of M&B I with updated graphics, interface, very few mechanics, etc.
I have a feeling people didn't quite know what to vote into the candidates for that category. It's rather difficult to tell what is innovative if you do not have a very broad knowledge of games.

Last edited by TheSHEEEP on 4 January 2023 at 1:31 pm UTC
Beamboom Jan 4, 2023
I'm just happy that CP2077 finally get some recognision for being the really good game that I think it is, and has been for a long time.

Yes, the consoles were given a version of the game that's been in a sea of problems. That was bad.
But the PC version has been totally playable ever since just a few patches after launch, and only improved from there. Not only bug fixes but tweaks and improvements and additional content aplenty.

And that CDPR kept cool and kept going after THAT shitstorm, well I don't see all devs able to do that.

Now we only awaits the CP2077 DLC this year - that's gonna be xmas all over again :)

Last edited by Beamboom on 5 January 2023 at 9:40 am UTC
Beamboom Jan 4, 2023
Quoting: dpanterCyberpunk 2077 should get the award for most developer abuse and bugs both at launch and post-one million patches.
When did you last play the game, and on what platform?

Last edited by Beamboom on 4 January 2023 at 3:16 pm UTC
FifteenthPen Jan 4, 2023
Quoting: TheSHEEEPPublic votes such as these at least give you a better overall picture of what people liked (and how much) - but you sometimes completely lose any meaning of the categories. And then it all just comes down to a competition in popularity.

Yep. I completely agree with you about Stray. When I saw Stray won most innovative, I thought: "So being a cat in an otherwise straightforward walking sim is innovative now?" And seriously, Stray getting voted more innovative than Neon White or Teardown is just... insulting. Mind you, I really enjoyed Stray and would recommend it to anyone who's interested in it (and knows it's a walking sim that can easily be beaten in 6 hours or less) but it was by far the least innovative of the choices, and I was surprised to see it even get nominated.

Has Cyberpunk had any major content updates since release? From what I've gathered, the updates are mostly bugfixes. No Man's Sky had a massive content update + graphical improvements in 2022, and it's been out for 6 years.

It really does seem like most voters ignored the categories, or have very... interesting ideas about what they meant.

The rest, at least, were (mostly) sensible. I don't think anyone is surprised Elden Ring won the two categories it did, and for me best OST was a tossup between FFVII Remake Intergrade and Persona 5 Royal, since Tunic sadly didn't get nominated. Death Stranding: Director's Cut winning "best on the go" is a bit of a headscratcher, because while it is an amazing game and one of my all-time favorites, it's a game that heavily utilizes online content and has enough visual detail to make playing it on a Steam Deck feel a little awkward to me. (Tunic, on the other hand, was practically made to be played on the Steam Deck.)

It's honestly been kinda sad seeing Tunic get the shaft in game awards in general this year, especially because it's *usually* been losing out to Stray. Stray is quickly becoming one of those things I actually like but am outwardly hostile towards because of how much it overshadows better things. It is cute, and it is fun, but it sure as hell isn't the Best Indie Game or the Most Innovative Game of 2022 by a long shot.

Actually, you heard it here, folks: Stray officially wins my "Most Overrated Game of 2022" award. Congratulations, Stray!

Last edited by FifteenthPen on 4 January 2023 at 2:56 pm UTC
Arehandoro Jan 4, 2023
Quoting: FifteenthPenIt really does seem like most voters ignored the categories, or have very... interesting ideas about what they meant.

To be fair, within each category, Steam already had selected a few to vote for. In most cases, I'm pretty sure a lot of people voted for the few titles they knew, or had seen in other platforms, without knowing all the options.

Last edited by Arehandoro on 4 January 2023 at 3:20 pm UTC
ElamanOpiskelija Jan 4, 2023
I have said this before, and I'll say it again: Forged Alliance might be an amazing game, but its development ended.
The development on BAR, on the other hand, keeps going, and going ... like 0AD, maybe it doesn't sound so laughable anymore? You guys watch.
buckysrevenge Jan 4, 2023
I wouldn't call Stray a walking simulator (unless you want to call any non-sandbox game a walking simulator), it has stealth elements and nonlinear exploring & fetch quests, but it is not an innovative game.

Last edited by buckysrevenge on 4 January 2023 at 3:51 pm UTC
dvd Jan 4, 2023
Quoting: BeamboomI'm just happy that CP2077 finally get some recognision for being the really good game that it is, and has been for a long time.

Yes, the consoles were given a version of the game that's been in a sea of problems. That was bad.
But the PC version has been totally playable ever since just a few patches after launch, and only improved from there. Not only bug fixes but tweaks and improvements and additional content aplenty.

And that CDPR kept cool and kept going after THAT shitstorm, well I don't see all devs able to do that.

Now we only awaits the CP2077 DLC this year - that's gonna be xmas all over again :)

It's a bad game, and the 1.6 patch is still buggy.
Viesta2015 Jan 4, 2023
outstanding visual style was cult of the lamb for me... it was so interesting to see how the world looked with it's own unique art style.
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