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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive keeps breaking player records

By - | Views: 26,035

One Valve game that is clearly unstoppable is Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, their first-person shooter from 2012 just keeps growing. Being free to play certainly helps too of course.

Hitting a new all-time high for online players at ~1,320,219 on February 11th, it just smashed it again at 1,324,800 players online on February 19th. You can see all the info on SteamDB charts, which clearly shows it's doing well. Before that, the last time it broke the record was back in April at 1,308,963 players online.

No doubt a continued nice earner for Valve (not that they need it…) with all the cases you can buy, and while free to play it still has a Prime Status Upgrade for £11.99 which is needed for Ranked Matchmaking and earning XP.

Valve also just recently released the Revolution Case, featuring 17 weapon finishes from community artists and the gloves from the Clutch Case as rare special items. On top of that there's also the new Espionage Sticker Capsule, with 21 unique stickers from Steam Workshop artists. Additionally they also added in the Denzel Curry ULTIMATE music kit, featuring Denzel’s hits "Walkin", "ULTIMATE" and more from his 2022 album "Melt My Eyez See Your Future".

CS:GO truly has some impressive staying power for what's quite an old game now.

Are you still playing CS:GO? How many hours do you have in it now?

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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14 Feb 26, 2023
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I don't like CS:GO. I like the Insurgency games far better.

Walk around a corner and die instantly? Then wait for the round to end? Give me a break. The Battlefield games were always way more up my alley. More dynamic combat and objectives.
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