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Zoom Platform, a store aimed at 'Generation X' adds more Linux support

By - | Views: 48,749

One I've been meaning to point out for a while now is Zoom Platform. A games store that tries to appeal to "Generation X" with both new and classic games, DRM-free and they're continuing to build up their Linux support.

They don't have a whole lot available for Linux Native fans right now, with 26 titles currently tagged as supported including Sensible World of Soccer 96-97, Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition, Judge Dredd and more but they're continuing to build it up.

Recently they updated a bunch of Duke Nukem titles that use DOSBox, to work better with both the DOSBox and DOSBox-X flatpaks and over the last few months they've added more titles. Just recently, they also added Linux support for Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, noting on Twitter a goal of theirs is to "support Linux as much as we can".

It's interesting to see a store that tries to appeal to the slightly older generation of gamers. As much as GOG tried to in the past, they've long since moved their focus much more onto modern releases. So perhaps some older readers might want to keep an eye on Zoom Platform.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Eike Feb 9, 2023
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Quoting: BlackBloodRumThen there's easily mistaken ones like Alcohol, technically speaking also a drug. Again, people won't think of it as a drug.

That's not "technically speaking", it has got literally everything a real drug needs.
(I don't know how to express it in English, in German, a drug/Droge is considered the stuff that's addictive, should for sure not be used before driving and might kill you, while in English, there's stores full of "drugs".)
slaapliedje Feb 9, 2023
Quoting: Eike
Quoting: BlackBloodRumThen there's easily mistaken ones like Alcohol, technically speaking also a drug. Again, people won't think of it as a drug.

That's not "technically speaking", it has got literally everything a real drug needs.
(I don't know how to express it in English, in German, a drug/Droge is considered the stuff that's addictive, should for sure not be used before driving and might kill you, while in English, there's stores full of "drugs".)
Yeah Alcohol is for sure is one. Caffeine is as well. I don't think addictive properties are necessarily what determines what is a drug, at least I've never considered it that way. I've always considered it as anything that, ingested or applied externally can have an effect that someone wouldn't otherwise have naturally.

A fun one that is interesting in that definition is something like DMT, which everyone has in their brain chemistry, but if you take an additional amount... people have reported traveling in other dimensions and conversing with beings that talk in geometric forms... But it's something everyone has some amount of in the brain.
BlackBloodRum Feb 9, 2023
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Quoting: Eike
Quoting: BlackBloodRumThen there's easily mistaken ones like Alcohol, technically speaking also a drug. Again, people won't think of it as a drug.

That's not "technically speaking", it has got literally everything a real drug needs.
(I don't know how to express it in English, in German, a drug/Droge is considered the stuff that's addictive, should for sure not be used before driving and might kill you, while in English, there's stores full of "drugs".)
I know, that was my point entirely.

Most people will just think "It's alcohol" as opposed to thinking of it as a drug.

(We are in agreement here! )
elmapul Feb 10, 2023
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: elmapul
Quoting: whizse
Quoting: elmapuleven purchasing used games seems more usefull to me, at least you are giving money to an consumer that might use it to purchase another new game that is still being produced.
Too risky! They might use that money for drugs, or worse, mobile games with ads and micro-transactions!

i dont care if they use drugs, but please, dont spend on mobile games with ads/mtx! that is way to dangerous indeed, thanks for clarifing.

btw im not serious about the drug issue.
I'd say like 90% people on the planet use some drug or another at this point (sure I'm pulling that number out of thin air). Granted most are told to take the drugs by their doctors. But it's really crazy to think about how dependent we are on medications these days.

dude, 100% of the mobile gamers use drugs, they are called "mobile games".
those 'skinner box' mechanisms are an form of drug in my opinion.
slaapliedje Feb 10, 2023
Quoting: elmapul
Quoting: slaapliedje
Quoting: elmapul
Quoting: whizse
Quoting: elmapuleven purchasing used games seems more usefull to me, at least you are giving money to an consumer that might use it to purchase another new game that is still being produced.
Too risky! They might use that money for drugs, or worse, mobile games with ads and micro-transactions!

i dont care if they use drugs, but please, dont spend on mobile games with ads/mtx! that is way to dangerous indeed, thanks for clarifing.

btw im not serious about the drug issue.
I'd say like 90% people on the planet use some drug or another at this point (sure I'm pulling that number out of thin air). Granted most are told to take the drugs by their doctors. But it's really crazy to think about how dependent we are on medications these days.

dude, 100% of the mobile gamers use drugs, they are called "mobile games".
those 'skinner box' mechanisms are an form of drug in my opinion.
Hahaha, can't really disagree.
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