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LEGO Bricktales to get a free Easter content update

By - | Views: 27,724

The absolutely charming building-puzzle adventure game LEGO Bricktales is getting a free content update ready for Easter. Quite a lovely game overall, and great for a younger audience too — why should adults get all the fun?

From the email sent to me here's what's coming:

  • A beautifully crafted Easter diorama.
  • A storyline where you have to help the Easter bunny save Easter.
  • 5 new construction puzzles. Four with a specific challenges and one being an open area where you can build more freely.
  • 1 collection quest - Easter eggs will be hidden in the other existing worlds that you can find and use to purchase items.
  • 3 new wardrobe items (purchasable with eggs players have found in the world).
  • 1 new music track.
  • A new menu entry to notify you of ongoing updates.

No date is being given for the update just yet but they did additionally explain: "The LEGO® Bricktales free Easter update introduces an egg-cellent new story set in a small Easter world. This world becomes accessible if the player has cleared the first world (Jungle). On completion, an entrance will appear in the park leading you to the new diorama where you’ll meet the friendly Easter bunny who has a problem with making eggs for this year’s Easter celebration. Disgruntled chickens and snow damage keep them from reaching their goals, so you will need to use your quick thinking and puzzle-solving abilities to help them save Easter."

You can see my previous video on it below:

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Available to buy on GOG and Steam with Native Linux support and it is Steam Deck Verified.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Philadelphus Mar 5, 2023
Quoting: StoneColdSpiderYou will have to let us know what you think of it...... It is also on my wishlist.........
Finally tore myself away from other games long enough to put some more time into it. It's a nice enough game, though as mentioned the locked WASD and other controls could be a big problem. You can move your character around by holding down the left mouse button, but in practice I much preferred walking with WASD. The environments I found to be gorgeous, all these large well-crafted LEGO dioramas to move about in. Gameplay so far (~2 hours in) seems to be a mix of a Metroidvania traversal around (I've already unlocked two ability which open up new sections of maps) with collecting items and puzzle elements. These turned out to have a surprising (to me) structural component, as much of the time you need to build bridges or stairs to progress, and like Bridge Constructor there's a simulation element where you have to get a little robot across without your construction breaking. Once you've completed a puzzle (which have limited numbers of a pre-set set of bricks), you can go back and build on it in sandbox mode with more types and unlimited numbers of bricks if you want (which can be pretty fun, not having to worry about running out of a particular style of brick like in real life!). Storywise it feels like it's aiming at a kid audience, which isn't too surprising, though it may be a tad simplistic for adults. I haven't had any issues with stability or screen flashing myself. Overall it feels like a pretty high-quality effort, with good animations and visuals and a competent building mode, though I kind of miss a "run" functionality for getting around (maybe there's something later that helps with that, I don't know). That said, how fun you find it will depend on you; it was fun enough to keep going while I was in it, but now that I've quit to write this I find other games calling my name…

Quoting: KlaasDid they add support for multiple save slots? That was the other thing that was blatantly missing at release.
I didn't notice multiple save slots.
StoneColdSpider Mar 6, 2023
Quoting: Philadelphus
Quoting: StoneColdSpiderYou will have to let us know what you think of it...... It is also on my wishlist.........
Finally tore myself away from other games long enough to put some more time into it. It's a nice enough game, though as mentioned the locked WASD and other controls could be a big problem. You can move your character around by holding down the left mouse button, but in practice I much preferred walking with WASD. The environments I found to be gorgeous, all these large well-crafted LEGO dioramas to move about in. Gameplay so far (~2 hours in) seems to be a mix of a Metroidvania traversal around (I've already unlocked two ability which open up new sections of maps) with collecting items and puzzle elements. These turned out to have a surprising (to me) structural component, as much of the time you need to build bridges or stairs to progress, and like Bridge Constructor there's a simulation element where you have to get a little robot across without your construction breaking. Once you've completed a puzzle (which have limited numbers of a pre-set set of bricks), you can go back and build on it in sandbox mode with more types and unlimited numbers of bricks if you want (which can be pretty fun, not having to worry about running out of a particular style of brick like in real life!). Storywise it feels like it's aiming at a kid audience, which isn't too surprising, though it may be a tad simplistic for adults. I haven't had any issues with stability or screen flashing myself. Overall it feels like a pretty high-quality effort, with good animations and visuals and a competent building mode, though I kind of miss a "run" functionality for getting around (maybe there's something later that helps with that, I don't know). That said, how fun you find it will depend on you; it was fun enough to keep going while I was in it, but now that I've quit to write this I find other games calling my name…

Quoting: KlaasDid they add support for multiple save slots? That was the other thing that was blatantly missing at release.
I didn't notice multiple save slots.

Hey mate thank you very much for taking the time to write that up..... That was a very helpful to me...... I will wait for a bigger discount..... Thank you again mate
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