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People have used their Steam Deck to do all sorts of crazy things but this latest is nuts. It seems people in Ukraine are using it to help work an automatic turret. From ТРО Медіа on Facebook, they shared a post giving a few details into it with it translating roughly as:

"Sablya" is a Ukrainian automated remote-controlled fire complex designed for stationary installation on real estate objects or special transport.

The Shable Coordination is done via a remote control, camera and monitor, which allows combat from up to 500 from the rig, while preserving the operator's life.

A combat platform can be installed both stationary at checkpoints, border and other zones, including to defeat low-flying enemy "drones". On the platform you can install any light anti-infantry or anti-tank weapon weapon, for example, machine gun kalashnikov.

And what did people spot in the pictures? A Steam Deck:

Well, it is an entire computer in your hands with a screen, with a full Linux desktop mode available. So sure, why not. Thinking plainly, it's not too different to them sitting with a laptop of any other brand, just that little bit more portable. The other side is that they could just be using it to play some games in between testing and who could blame them eh?

There's spotting a Steam Deck "in the wild" and then there's this. Quite a surprise.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Steam Deck, Misc
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ExpandingMan Apr 25, 2023
I haven't bought a steam deck because I couldn't think of what I could possibly use it for. Now I have an idea.
Solitary Apr 25, 2023
Vardamir Apr 25, 2023
Maybe they are just playing Counterstrike, but with real weapons?
mr-victory Apr 25, 2023
The million dollar question: Does the Steam Deck run Linux or Windows?!
elmapul Apr 25, 2023
if they are using gyro to shoot, they will get some shoots with great precision...
mr-victory Apr 25, 2023
Quoting: elmapulif they are using gyro to shoot, they will get some shoots with great precision...
This explains why a regular PC didn't cut it.
Pirolisi Apr 25, 2023
I hope they do not rely on Wi-Fi 5 ghz
Pengling Apr 25, 2023
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With real-world practical applications now being sighted, it's rather like the Steam Deck has become a real-life version of the Personal Terminal from MegaMan Battle Network.
miro Apr 25, 2023
What the actual fuq?
Is this for real? You do know that this is designed to kill people, not in a cs-fashion but for real. And all with the currently f'ed up narrative and politics, you are cracking jokes with it.

I can not believe this, what a shame.
Beaky Apr 25, 2023
Quoting: miroWhat the actual fuq?
Is this for real? You do know that this is designed to kill people, not in a cs-fashion but for real. And all with the currently f'ed up narrative and politics, you are cracking jokes with it.

I can not believe this, what a shame.

If russians do not want to get laughed at they could just leave or surrender and not slaughter anything that lives.

The only fucked up thing is what the russians are doing in ukraine.

Last edited by Beaky on 25 April 2023 at 5:58 pm UTC
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