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Valve has now released the latest Steam Hardware & Software Survey for April 2023, and it shows that things have calmed down again.

I reported earlier last month, that the details they had for March 2023 looked really off. It showed a massive surge in Simplified Chinese as a language on Steam with it becoming top, along with Windows 10 surging up over Windows 11 as well. It was all a bit odd. Valve never issued any corrections though, or announced any issues with it at all.  

For April 2023, things have settled down again with Linux back to 1.32% (+0.48%), macOS back to 2.30% (+0.89%) and Windows at 96.38% (-1.37%). Languages changed dramatically again too with Simplified Chinese dropping back down to 25.03% (26.60%) so English being once again the top language used on Steam.

When filtering the April 2023 survey over to Linux here's the current most popular ways to game:

  • SteamOS Holo 64 bit 22.77% +1.57%
  • Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS 64 bit 10.84% +1.23%
  • Arch Linux 64 bit 9.79% -0.57%
  • SDK 22.08 (Flatpak runtime) 64 bit 7.61% +0.51%
  • Manjaro Linux 64 bit 6.25% -0.70%
  • Linux Mint 21.1 64 bit 4.97% +4.97%
  • Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS 64 bit 3.86% +3.86%
  • Other 33.90% -10.89%

So it's clear the Steam Deck is currently beating all other ways on Steam for playing games on Linux.

You can view the data over time on the GOL Steam Tracker.

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Tags: Misc, Steam, Valve
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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TheSHEEEP May 4, 2023
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" SDK 22.08 (Flatpak runtime) 64 bit 7.61%"

What is that?
chris.echoz May 4, 2023
Quoting: TheSHEEEP" SDK 22.08 (Flatpak runtime) 64 bit 7.61%"

What is that?

That means Flatpak users. For compatibility and isolation it runs within a container, so whatever distro you're actually on isn't what Steam will see.
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