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BattleBit Remastered is the current game climbing the ranks on Steam, made by a tiny team of only 3 people it has regularly seen tens of thousands of players. It works on Steam Deck and desktop Linux but the anti-cheat may turn into a big problem.

It's been seeing somewhere between 60 to 80 thousand people playing it each day at the same time, making it constantly in the top 5 most played games on Steam. Clearly people were after a Battlefield-like that isn't from EA and with the graphical style, it can run on pretty much anything.

Currently it uses Easy Anti-Cheat, but they previously announced plans to switch to FACEIT, which would break it on Steam Deck and Linux desktop with Proton. On the Steam forum, one of their team noted that's not quite the plan now, as they're going to look for something "in between EAC and FACEIT Anti Cheat in terms of requirements" - so it could still end up being something that doesn't work on Linux.

To make things more confusing, I spoke to the developer today and they said "Despite we have intentions to switch to FACEIT, we will keep the EAC as an option and still have servers that support EAC." — so they actually are still looking at FACEIT which will be a problem. Although keeping EAC will be good for Steam Deck / Linux, it may cause other problems. Using multiple anti-cheat may not be an easy thing to keep up for a tiny team.

So if you're looking at picking it up, just something to keep in mind.

See my video talking about it below:

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You can buy it on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Izaic Jul 3, 2023
Doesn't matter what anti-cheat they use, they are incredibly easy to defeat if you k ow what you are doing. And so long as the player resists making it blatantly obvious to see theyare cheating, cheat will work.

This is disappointing to hear. Why the heck are they changing?
xoagray Jul 3, 2023
I'm not familiar at all with FaceIT Anticheat. (I don't play a lot of competitive FPS) But if EAC is already working I wonder why they're bothering to change it?
Szkodnix Jul 3, 2023
I wanted to try this game too, but your news regarding possible anticheat change seems a bit concerning...

I'll probably wait until they sort this out.
tfk Jul 3, 2023
FaceIT, we're screwed.
BlackBloodRum Jul 3, 2023
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Quoting: tfkFaceIT, we're screwed.
I see what you did there

Last edited by BlackBloodRum on 3 July 2023 at 4:34 pm UTC
EagleDelta Jul 3, 2023
Quoting: xoagrayI'm not familiar at all with FaceIT Anticheat. (I don't play a lot of competitive FPS) But if EAC is already working I wonder why they're bothering to change it?

FaceIT is used for highly competitive games. I haven't seen it integrated by developers, usually used by private servers and eSports events. But not a fan of FaceIT though. Not only is it a kernel level AC, they also require you to disable certain admin level Windows OS features just to use it because those features tend to block FaceIT.
Purple Library Guy Jul 3, 2023
Quoting: EagleDelta
Quoting: xoagrayI'm not familiar at all with FaceIT Anticheat. (I don't play a lot of competitive FPS) But if EAC is already working I wonder why they're bothering to change it?

FaceIT is used for highly competitive games. I haven't seen it integrated by developers, usually used by private servers and eSports events. But not a fan of FaceIT though. Not only is it a kernel level AC, they also require you to disable certain admin level Windows OS features just to use it because those features tend to block FaceIT.
Wow, heading into rootkit territory.
Mountain Man Jul 3, 2023
Quoting: EagleDelta
Quoting: xoagrayI'm not familiar at all with FaceIT Anticheat. (I don't play a lot of competitive FPS) But if EAC is already working I wonder why they're bothering to change it?

FaceIT is used for highly competitive games. I haven't seen it integrated by developers, usually used by private servers and eSports events. But not a fan of FaceIT though. Not only is it a kernel level AC, they also require you to disable certain admin level Windows OS features just to use it because those features tend to block FaceIT.

So it's essentially malware.
Marlock Jul 3, 2023
Wow... somehow it feels like that level of invasiveness is not what a tiny game dev team of 3 should be looking into for a 3rd-party off-shelf solution for AC
DekoDX Jul 4, 2023
It's very likely going through considering the community is extremely hostile towards Linux users. Brought it up as one of 5 points on a negative steam reward and got 100 jester awards, got called a schizo, and had literally hundreds of people telling me to "use a working os".
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