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Get a free copy of Prey with Prime Gaming

By - | Views: 22,201

Want another free game? If you have Amazon Prime you can now claim a free copy of Prey from Arkane Studios / Bethesda Softworks with their GOG partnership.

This is done through Prime Gaming, where they regularly put up different games for members to claim. Quite useful to keep an eye on it, as sometimes there's a good few gems in there to get. You can claim Prey on it for another 19 days and since it's with GOG you get easy access to it.

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You can also still claim a copy of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition with GOG as well for another 14 days.

Want help managing games you've got on GOG? The likes of Heroic Games Launcher and Lutris help with that.

There's various other games on Prime Gaming but they all need the Amazon Games app for Windows. There's no really ideal way for that on Linux / Steam Deck just yet but work is in progress to add support for it into Heroic. You could also try the work in progress Nile, which Heroic will be using.

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HJ Jul 5, 2023
That isn't Prey though, it's Prey (2017)
Linas Jul 5, 2023
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Quoting: HJThat isn't Prey though, it's Prey (2017)
How about a nice game of Doom or Tomb Raider instead?
Klaas Jul 5, 2023
Quoting: LinasHow about a nice game of Doom or Tomb Raider instead?
Or Pinball FX? I hate name reboots!
Jarmer Jul 5, 2023
Quoting: HJThat isn't Prey though, it's Prey (2017)

I honestly think this idiotic naming convention is one of the big reasons it had mediocre sales. It was an AMAZING game (still my all time fav from Arkane) but I think a ton of people just thought it was a remake of the 2006 game. The former game was average at best, but when people saw the same name and looked at a screenshot and saw it was an fps, they just passed on it.
HJ Jul 5, 2023
Quoting: Jarmer
Quoting: HJThat isn't Prey though, it's Prey (2017)

I honestly think this idiotic naming convention is one of the big reasons it had mediocre sales. It was an AMAZING game (still my all time fav from Arkane) but I think a ton of people just thought it was a remake of the 2006 game. The former game was average at best, but when people saw the same name and looked at a screenshot and saw it was an fps, they just passed on it.

ho ho, that might have been the reason but for me it was quite the opposite - i thought it was a remake/reboot/continuation of 2006 game but turns out it has nothing to do with it which just makes me angry because i liked original game, so I just ignore it entirely. At least Doom 4 and Tomb Raider remake have something to do with original, Prey and Prey (2017) have about as much in common as Quake and Quake 2, it's just developer/publisher reusing their trademarks/copyrights.
dibz Jul 5, 2023
Quoting: HJ
Quoting: Jarmer
Quoting: HJThat isn't Prey though, it's Prey (2017)

I honestly think this idiotic naming convention is one of the big reasons it had mediocre sales. It was an AMAZING game (still my all time fav from Arkane) but I think a ton of people just thought it was a remake of the 2006 game. The former game was average at best, but when people saw the same name and looked at a screenshot and saw it was an fps, they just passed on it.

ho ho, that might have been the reason but for me it was quite the opposite - i thought it was a remake/reboot/continuation of 2006 game but turns out it has nothing to do with it which just makes me angry because i liked original game, so I just ignore it entirely. At least Doom 4 and Tomb Raider remake have something to do with original, Prey and Prey (2017) have about as much in common as Quake and Quake 2, it's just developer/publisher reusing their trademarks/copyrights.

Well, it's the publisher's fault in this case, it's actually a pretty well-known story. Bethesda forced Arkane Studios to use the name Prey for Prey (2017), despite them being very much against it.
scaine Jul 5, 2023
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Quoting: HJ
Quoting: Jarmer
Quoting: HJThat isn't Prey though, it's Prey (2017)

I honestly think this idiotic naming convention is one of the big reasons it had mediocre sales. It was an AMAZING game (still my all time fav from Arkane) but I think a ton of people just thought it was a remake of the 2006 game. The former game was average at best, but when people saw the same name and looked at a screenshot and saw it was an fps, they just passed on it.

ho ho, that might have been the reason but for me it was quite the opposite - i thought it was a remake/reboot/continuation of 2006 game but turns out it has nothing to do with it which just makes me angry because i liked original game, so I just ignore it entirely. At least Doom 4 and Tomb Raider remake have something to do with original, Prey and Prey (2017) have about as much in common as Quake and Quake 2, it's just developer/publisher reusing their trademarks/copyrights.

Yeah, I ignored this one for years after discovering it wasn't a remake. The original game was superb, particularly for its time - the opening scene, being lifted into the air along with your house, the sprit walking, the portal system and the shrinking/enlarging effects, it was all just incredibly fresh and original back then.

Prey 2017 was... okay when they finally removed Denuvo and I got to play it. It held my interest enough to complete the game, but it's certainly no Dishonored.

On another note - don't forget to pick up Roguebook, also in the Prime freebies this week. I love it so much.
Raaben Jul 5, 2023
I really liked both Prey and Prey, and Prey is totally worth getting, but I still with we got that proper sequel to Prey; it looked amazing.
lejimster Jul 5, 2023
I played quite a few hours of this game but never got back to it. I was enjoying what I was playing, I think I might have got stuck trying to make progress possibly. It runs really well through proton, so worth a shot if you haven't tried it already (especially if its free).
Grogan Jul 6, 2023
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Thanks, I actually do have a trial of Amazon Prime on the go (needed free fast shipping for something heavy) and I claimed it. It's now in my GoG library.

This is a game I'd looked at a few times but didn't bite. Awesome to get it free, without having to jump through any hoops (just one sign in to amazon and a few clicks). If I'd have remembered it, I'd have probably gone back and bought this game later.
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