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Happy Birthday to GamingOnLinux - 14 years old today

By - | Views: 31,450

You may have noticed the website acting up a little lately, well that's because it's well into its teens now. Happy Birthday to GamingOnLinux, the tiny little site I thought no one would visit but here we are 14 years later. Now we see around a million visitors a month, and I still can't quite believe it.

From the early days of Loki and Linux Game Publishing to the launches of the Humble Indie Bundle, Steam for Linux, Proton and the Steam Deck — never a dull moment huh? A big big thank you to everyone who has supported all of this over the years.

Want to help support the GamingOnLinux mission?

You can give your regular support over on  Patreon (which is the best way for me overall). This helps ensure there's not adverts everywhere. Although there is a single spot for a sponsor but it's not really used.

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You can find all the links to support GamingOnLinux on this dedicated page any time.

Who knows what the industry will look like in another 14 years. Will we have some sort of chip in our brains? Will Valve count to three finally? How about a new living room Steam Machine? Perhaps we will be on the Steam Deck 5 by then and everyone will be running Linux on their desktop. One can dream right?

Remember you can easily use the RSS Feed to keep up to date. All article tags (at the bottom of articles) also have an RSS feed so you can follow exactly what you want.

Thanks again for being here.

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About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Metallinatus Jul 5, 2023
I was there, Gandalf, when Steam for Linux was at its infancy and GoL was a regular poster at Google freakin' Plus (remember that one?). Crazy to think that even that was 10 years ago already...

Happy birthday, GoL, and thanks for all the work!
WorMzy Jul 5, 2023
Happy birthday, GoL! Congratulations, Liam!
Termy Jul 5, 2023
Happy Birthday!
And of course my deepest gratitude for all the effort and dedication! :)
wvstolzing Jul 5, 2023
Congratulations, and thanks for such a great website!
Linux_Rocks Jul 5, 2023

Happy Birthday! <3
tfk Jul 5, 2023
Fourteen years already. Time flies indeed. Congratulations!
Mezron Jul 5, 2023
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Congrats and thanks for making a place for others to come to and explore Linux gaming as they see fit. The addition of tag blocking to self-curate the articles has been top tier awesome for me.
Zelox Jul 5, 2023
Happy birthday GOL 🎉🎉🎉🎂🎂.
You have done so mutch for Linux gaming during these years, let there be many more to come.
MisterPaytwick Jul 5, 2023
Happy Birthday and thanks you for your time Liam!

I'm pretty happy to hear you are seeing such a big number of visitors. I didn't thought it was that many, it's nice.

Hope to see you keep on going.
rcrit Jul 5, 2023
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What a milestone. This site is just amazing, with multiple articles written nearly every day.I remember the dark days (pre-GOL) where one was lucky to find anything Linux gaming-related. This in addition to the YT channel. Simply marvelous.
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