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Star Wars Dark Forces source port The Force Engine gets upgraded

By - | Views: 18,709

Another fresh release went out recently for The Force Engine, a rebuilt game engine to play STAR WARS - Dark Forces and eventually Outlaws nicely on modern systems.

This is not a remaster though, like many open source game engine reimplementations it's to try and keep the original feel but just make it better for modern gaming. Some of the existing improvements include a mod loader, high resolution support, a GPU renderer and various additional quality of life improvements.

A first release went out in December 2022, with this latest being a bunch of bug fixes to clean it up before the planned big 2.0 release.

Here's all that's changed:

  • Fixed a bug when there are too many entries in Jedi.lvl.
  • Fixed a bug with display bounds when selecting the correct display.
  • Fixed a crash if the HUD pieces do not load.
  • Added a confirmation for loading a game from the Load Menu.
  • Added mod filtering for the Mod Loader, to make finding mods easier.
  • Mods are now alphabetically sorted (once the list loading is complete).
  • Fixed issues with the "No Game Data" message being incorrectly displayed.
  • Separates out errors because files aren't found, versus files are invalid.
  • Fixed a memory overwrite bug in Dark Tide 4, level 3 - due to having too few "texture vertices" set.
  • Fix Vue Logic sprite yaw to match vanilla.
  • Hopefully fixed Steam path detection when the game is installed on a different drive than Steam itself or the ACF files cannot be found.
  • IMuse: clamp priority parameter to 127 (Manuel Lauss).
  • Linux: improve crash handler (Manuel Lauss).

See more on GitHub and you need the original data files you can grab easily on GOG or Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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legluondunet Jul 11, 2023
Very nice open source engine. This project misses just one thing: an AppImage.
StalePopcorn Jul 11, 2023
Wow. I played that on my first comp— a Mac Performa 630CD— umpteen years ago!
StoneColdSpider Jul 11, 2023
The source is strong with this one........
ssj17vegeta Jul 11, 2023
Waiting for an AppImage or something of the sorts to enjoy it.
Holzkohlen Jul 11, 2023
Would love to give this a go, but I'm not knowledgeable enough to compile this myself and neither Steam nor Lutris seem to like that exe.
Purple Library Guy Jul 11, 2023
Wish someone would do this kind of thing with Alpha Centauri.
omer666 Jul 11, 2023
Quoting: StalePopcornWow. I played that on my first comp— a Mac Performa 630CD— umpteen years ago!
Played this one on my PowerMac 7200/90, so many great memories with all the additional maps and stuff!
Grogan Jul 11, 2023
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In typical open source fashion... deps I don't want or need for anything else, ever. (I'll stick them in a non-system location). I sympathize with the calls for an appimage. I don't like containerisms, but I couldn't fault it for this type of application.

I don't have the game, but like OpenMW, I'll see about getting it compiled first before I purchase any game data. Hopefully it'll be a go!
Linuxer Jul 11, 2023
still can't instrall this. why can't there be a simple download and install someone talked about buildin from source or something like that and i have no idea what that is and why hmmmh i guess i juz wait again
Fester_Mudd Jul 11, 2023
Quoting: legluondunetVery nice open source engine. This project misses just one thing: an AppImage.

I think Snaps and Flatpaks are a thing now.
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