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The Wandering Village gets a big Ocean Update and you can win a key

By - | Views: 32,660

The Wandering Village is a wonderful city-builder where you're building on the back of a massive creature. Currently in Early Access, Stray Fawn Studio just released a big watery upgrade. With Native Linux support and a Steam Deck Verified status, it's an easy choice to recommend from my own time spent enjoying the idea.

With the Ocean Update out now it's added a whole new biome to wander through, building upgrades, new decorations, a hostility modifier system, new buildings, new events, new locations and much more. Check out the new trailer below:

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They have a lot more planned to add into the game including new biomes, improved villager AI and an improved happiness system, flying merchants to trade with, birds you can tame, more buildings, more events, more locations and the list goes on. Lots of good systems in place they can keep expanding on so I'm keen to see how much more they add in but it's already a really fantastic combination.

Want to win a key? The developer kindly gave two to give away. To enter just leave a comment to say why you wish to win a copy of this game. Giveaway closes 9PM BST, Monday - July 24th.

If you wish to grab it now it's also 25% off on Steam until July 27th.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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miclgael Jul 21, 2023
I’d love to win as I’ve had the game wishlisted for maybe a year or more, but I’m trying to save some dolleridoos.
Lukas_Rox Jul 21, 2023
Many people look for action in games, but, I've been getting so much of that at work recently, that I look for a change of pace.
A pace of a Wandering Village perhaps?

I've seen it a couple of times on different websites and it is quite to build a city on the back of a huge beast! Moreover, you have to take into account the needs of BOTH your villagers AND the village itself :-) Can't wait to build the symbiosis with my Onbu!
sakhapoo Jul 21, 2023
Been a while since I played a city builder but I like the atmosphere of this one and it is on my wishlist
rebepoi Jul 21, 2023
Oh you made me register... :D I'd like that key :) I've been following this game for some while now
Zlopez Jul 21, 2023
  • Supporter Plus
I would like to win this game, because it reminds me of Discworld and would really like to build one of my own. :-)
anyone_yun Jul 21, 2023
I’d love to get a key! Thanks!
lordgabor Jul 21, 2023
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  • Supporter
I like to win the game, looks like a fun game for the Deck. I am wandering, if I can win it. ;)
BunchOfAtoms Jul 21, 2023
I wish to win a copy of this game because it's free.
Andrew_Beaver Jul 21, 2023
Severely disabled by Crohn's Disease, would love to play/stream the game to take my mind off my pain!
DMG Jul 21, 2023
I wish I could win a key, to try this game.
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