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KDE Plasma 6 to launch in February 2024

By - | Views: 34,801

They've finally set a date! The big release of the KDE Plasma 6 desktop is now set to launch in February 2024.

Confirming the plans in another recent developer overview blog post, KDE dev Nate Graham mentioned there's no specific day yet but they've at least marked down the month and they are "feeling quite confident that the release will be in excellent shape by then" and another few months should make it solid.

Plasma 6 is now in Stage 4 of their original roadmap that Graham posted earlier in this year that went through:

  1. Make it compile.
  2. Make it livable.
  3. Clean up the code.
  4. Implement planned features and changes.
  5. QA it and fix the bugs.

And some of the work done includes:

  • Custom ordering for KRunner search results.
  • Printers KCM rewritten in QML.
  • Double-click by default.
  • Tap-to-click by default.
  • Icons throughout Plasma itself now exclusively come from the systemwide icon theme.
  • Support for automatic bug reporting in DrKonqi and improved reporting flow in general.
  • Autostart KCM shows details about entries.
  • Distros can now customize the first page in Welcome Center.

I'm looking forward to it. With Plasma being my desktop environment of choice on my Linux desktop (Kubuntu) and it's what's included on Steam Deck with SteamOS too. So hopefully before too long we will see Valve give it an upgrade in SteamOS too.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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PinballWizard Sep 8, 2023
  • Supporter Plus
If only I could stream in discord on it.
StalePopcorn Sep 8, 2023
KDE! Me gusta! Looking forward to it. Let's hope their Akonadi system doesn't fail!
Linux_Rocks Sep 8, 2023
If they follow through with the basic HDR support in KDE Plasma 6, then I might switch from Linux Mint to Kubuntu. Though when I tried Kubuntu again last month my audio kept popping. So I'll have to fiddle with those settings probably. 🙄
Lamdarer Sep 8, 2023
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: PinballWizardIf only I could stream in discord on it.
I can stream in discord on manjaro with kde plasma, in x11 session though

Anyway, plasma is good. When I tried to switch to linux for the first time, the weirdness of gnome was a big downside. Hours of tweaking it to make it feel write, while plasma just already has everything.
Works on Wayland just as well, using the xwaylandvideobridge package from the AUR.
With some other applications it can sometimes be a hassle but I personally have good experience with screen sharing on KDE Plasma + Wayland + Discord Flatpak
FlitPix Sep 8, 2023
Quoting: Guest
Quoting: PinballWizardIf only I could stream in discord on it.
I can stream in discord on manjaro with kde plasma, in x11 session though
Same here, works well enough. I wish I could stream with sound, though I'm not sure if that's on Discord, X11, Plasma, or the fact that I'm using the Discord Flatpak.
Raaben Sep 8, 2023
Getting KDE 6 in Feb? My birthday is in Feb! Coincidence? Yes.

I can't wait to take it for a spin. Though I still prefer Gnome, I love seeing what the KDE project puts out, good stuff.
Slackdog Sep 8, 2023
I'm a recent convert to KDE - 10 + years on Ubuntu and on whim installed kbuntu last week, have to say overall am loving it! Very different from when I first saw KDE have to say!
ssj17vegeta Sep 8, 2023
Let's hope it gets more stable than the releases they've been doing for 4-5 years. It still is the king of DEs.
CyborgZeta Sep 9, 2023
Just in time for Kubuntu 24.04 LTS.

Although, if they want to take more time, that'd be fine with me. Plasma 5.27 has been very good.
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