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Well, that's certainly an article title isn't it. But I mean it. Microsoft, don't you dare touch Valve. You're fat enough already and too big as it is, especially with the Activision purchase clearly about to happen.

"Liam, what's got you all like this?!", I hear you all asking. Well, remember that recent Microsoft leak that showed off a bunch of potential game releases? There was a lot more to the leak overall you see, and some of it a little disturbing for the industry. In an email from Phil Spencer spotted by The Verge, there was talk about their plans including wanting to buy up the likes of Nintendo and even Valve with Spencer noting "But our BoD has seen the full writeup on Nintendo (and Valve) and they are fully supportive on either if opportunity arises as am I" (BoD being Board of Directors).

Pictured - Leaked 2020 email, credit to The Verge

Could you imagine the disaster it would be if Microsoft acquired Valve? There's just so many ways that would become incredibly problematic and wow — what a monopoly that would make huh? Not that Valve has any need at all to sell, they pretty much print money thanks to their 30% cut from most developers on Steam. Valve is also privately owned, so they can do whatever the heck they want. Valve are far from perfect, but competition is good and necessary and them joining together would really mess the industry up.

You might remember that "Microsoft Loves Linux", but the reality is they like Linux when it makes them money. If the above ever were to happen, it's not really likely they would continue all of Valve's big investments into Linux given how even with the Steam Deck the market is small. After all, Valve put all these resources into Linux because they don't want to be entirely at the whims of Microsoft for their store, and Valve clearly want their own platform so Linux with Proton + Steam Deck is key to that. And maybe even more when we find out what the heck Galileo and Sephiroth are.

So, Microsoft, please continue to keep your filthy hands off Valve (but keep putting your games on Steam okay? thanks).

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Kandarihu Sep 22, 2023
Also, keep your filthy hands off Nintendo. And everything that you haven't extinguished yet.

Last edited by Kandarihu on 22 September 2023 at 4:58 pm UTC
CatKiller Sep 22, 2023
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They did try to buy Nintendo in 1999.

"Steve [Ballmer, ex-Microsoft CEO] made us go meet with Nintendo to see if they would consider being acquired. They just laughed their asses off. Like, imagine an hour of somebody just laughing at you. That was kind of how that meeting went."
— Kevin Bachus, former director of third-party relations at Microsoft
minidou Sep 22, 2023
Valve isn't publicly traded, and most shares are in the hands of sane people, it will never happen.
mad_mesa Sep 22, 2023
They also tried to buy Valve as recently as 2012.

I have no doubt Microsoft would love to buy everyone they see as a competitor, or view as adding value to a competing platform. Regulators really need to take a stronger stance on this.
tfk Sep 22, 2023
Lord Gabe will never sell us out.
pb Sep 22, 2023
> BoD being Board of Directors

BoD, more like BSoD, amirite? :P
pb Sep 22, 2023
I love how the mail is titled "random thought". I wonder if the acquisition of Activision also started like that.
williamjcm Sep 22, 2023
Well, since the leak happened, I'm sure competition watchdogs will keep a very close eye on Microsoft for the years to come.
QYME Sep 22, 2023
The older i get, the more woried i get at what will happen after Gaben step down/dies and this sort of news are kind of terrifying when i look at my 827 game library with only 54 of those game completed. And this include game i bought dozens of years ago on console that got a pc port i actually haven't touched yet.
Raaben Sep 22, 2023
Quoting: CatKillerThey did try to buy Nintendo in 1999.

"Steve [Ballmer, ex-Microsoft CEO] made us go meet with Nintendo to see if they would consider being acquired. They just laughed their asses off. Like, imagine an hour of somebody just laughing at you. That was kind of how that meeting went."
— Kevin Bachus, former director of third-party relations at Microsoft

I misread that a bit and thought of a sweaty angry Ballmer personally going and yelling sales pitches at Nintendo while they just laugh harder as it goes on. I would have paid good money for footage of that.
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