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Valve investigating Forza Motorsport issues on Steam Deck / Linux

By - | Views: 33,098

Forza Motorsport just launched and sadly it appears that it does not currently run on Steam Deck / Linux with Proton, but Valve are looking into it.

This entry in the series comes from Turn 10 with Xbox Game Studios publishing and it seems something about the tech behind it is causing problems with Valve's Proton compatibility layer. In reply to a user on social network X mentioning it not working, Valve developer Pierre-Loup Griffais mentioned "It doesn't work in Proton, we are looking into it."

Sadly, it seems Forza Horizon 5 was also updated, and this has also now been broken so we're seeing a bit of a double whammy on compatibility issues with these racing games now.

While Valve may be able to find the cause of the issues in Proton, it may also require the game developer to do some tweaks on their end, so hopefully Valve will be able to speak to Turn 10 / Xbox Game Studios on the issues. In the past we've seen Xbox Game Studios talk-up their titles running on Steam Deck so it would be a shame to see these left broken.

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M@GOid Oct 11, 2023
This don't surprise me. Even on Windows the game is broken, with reports of multiple bugs, bad performance and incomplete feature list.

One more case of buy on release day, regrets immediately.
poke86 Oct 11, 2023
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Forza Horizon 5 is broken as well after yesterday's update :(
scaine Oct 11, 2023
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Quoting: poke86Forza Horizon 5 is broken as well after yesterday's update :(
Yep, as noted in the article.

Sceptic in me notes that these are XBOX/Microsoft titles. Hmmm.
Linux_Rocks Oct 11, 2023
Gran Turismo >>>>>>>>>>> Forza
Purple Library Guy Oct 11, 2023
This is no doubt not a good thing, but all I find myself thinking is "Good lord, we're at a point where a game not working on Linux is news!"
kokoko3k Oct 11, 2023
Updates are dangerous.
Dumb math suggests me that using an officially unsupported platform too is dangerous^2.

Valve should really rethink about its strategy of forced updated.

kaiman Oct 11, 2023
Would have been a day 1 purchase for me, but luckily the early access players already figured it will not work on Linux, so I skipped it. From what I gathered from the related Proton issue, it's relying on a "xbox game services" component, which it tries to download from the Windows App Store.

To me this sounds as if this is nothing that Wine/Proton could provide quickly, if at all.

I'm slightly disappointed, but seeing how Forza Motorsport requires an online connection even for the single player content and is (by now) touted as a live service game, I guess it's for the better I'm no longer tempted to buy.
scaine Oct 11, 2023
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Quoting: kaimanit's relying on a "xbox game services" component, which it tries to download from the Windows App Store
Microsoft gonna Microsoft.
rustybroomhandle Oct 11, 2023
Quoting: Linux_RocksGran Turismo >>>>>>>>>>> Forza

GT is Playstation only and a microtransaction-riddled mess recently.
3lfk1ng Oct 11, 2023
FM was rushed to release. The product was not ready for retail, so it's no surprise to see that it's lacking compatibility.
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