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Hunt: Showdown is broken on Steam Deck / Linux due to Easy Anti-Cheat

By - | Views: 33,937

Update 20/11/23 14:33 UTC — Crytek responded to note: "This is a known issue and we are working on it to fix it and apply the fix for the resolution as soon as possible."

Original article text below:

Hunt: Showdown, a popular multiplayer game has been broken on Steam Deck / desktop Linux due to Easy Anti-Cheat.

It seems an update released on November 16th just causes players to get kicked from the game. A similar issue to what happened with Apex Legends recently. I've yet to see Crytek comment on this, so I have reached out today see if they're aware and if it will be fixed. The game is currently rated Steam Deck Playable so either they need to fix it, or Valve will need to change the rating over to Unsupported.

Trying it myself today and it's clearly broken (screenshot from Steam Deck):

Hopefully given the popularity of the Steam Deck, and with the new Steam Deck OLED release, more developers will actually test instead of just pushing out updates like this that break it.

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drlamb Nov 22, 2023
Quoting: Purple Library GuyAnd the crowd goes mild!

? Maybe on here but the Hunt Discord has a sizable group excited to be able to play one of the 50 most-played games on Steam again.
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