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Please save me I have discovered Leaf Blower Revolution

By - | Views: 36,701

It's cold and blowy outside, there's leaves everywhere and so the obvious solution to keep warm is to stay inside and play a game about blowing away leaves. Apparently that's what I'm doing with my life now, playing a free to play Steam game where I throw my mouse around the screen like a maniac to get all these damn leaves off my lawn.

Leaf Blower Revolution is a peculiar game. Released back in 2020 it's gone onto be rather popular too, with over 20,000 user reviews and an Overwhelmingly Positive rating. Clearly they're onto something, and I can see why. I want to keep going and I don't exactly know why.

It's very much a game of watching numbers go up, or not, just leaf it alone and come back later and see what's happened. Since it's an idle game, you can just leave it on a second monitor or in the background, to dive in for a few minutes to take an active role whenever you want.

The game trickles in little treats for you too. There's many different types of leaves to blow away you'll find drop onto your lawn, and as you blow them away you'll get a leaf currency to go and buy some special tools. I must admit, the game gave me a chuckle the first time I closed and opened it, noting how I shouldn't be rewarded for doing nothing but it did so anyway and gave me a ton of basic leaves to go and buy stuff with. Okay Leaf Blower Revolution, I see what you're doing, you're trying to get me to play more.

When you start playing more, and buying more (with the in-game currency), it only gets bigger and funnier too. Starting off with nothing but your hands, moving onto rakes and leaf blowers, automatic leaf blowers that travel around the screen like little robots and more. You can even buy nuclear fuel to power-up your devices, what could possibly go wrong there?

After you accrue enough leaves you can buy the ability to get different leaves, which then opens up other types of shops to buy more different quirky tools and abilities. Each shop gives you the ability to buy the next level leaf too and — repeat. Glorious number-go-up repetition while leaves fly around the screen. It's weirdly therapeutic. There's over 30 different leaves, over 38 different shops, over 40 areas, there's even some pets you can get.

The Steam reviews make me laugh too, someone with over 1,000 hours in it wrote "Still need just another hour or two to see if I really like it....", and yeah — that about sums this game up I think. Apparently at some point my Tea went cold, I'll warm it up later, gotta blow away some more leaves.

Unless you want it to take over your life don't download Leaf Blower Revolution.

Works great on desktop Linux with Proton 8, and Valve rated it Steam Deck Playable. Worked fine on Steam Deck with my testing but the font can be a little small. You can turn up the font size, but the font itself is not very clear but thankfully you can choose an alternative font too which is much clearer.

Check it out free to play on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pengling Nov 24, 2023
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Quoting: whizseNow you got lawn clippings all over the place, and have to clean up with PowerWash Simulator!

Quoting: StoneColdSpiderI dunno..... Automatic Blowing Robots sounds more like a robot-army for the red light district.......
Goddamnit Spider!
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