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SteamVR 2.0 Beta continues improving on Linux

By - | Views: 37,939

Now that SteamVR 2.0 is officially out, Valve has continued to push out Beta releases with other improvements and the Linux situation with SteamVR seems better now too.

In the SteamVR Beta 2.0.10 release Valve noted these improvements:


  • A fix for IVRVirtualDisplay interface.
  • Fixed binding UI crashing when saving a binding.


  • Fix 'Shared IPC Compositor Init Failed' error reported by the Steam client on startup.
  • Fix Room Setup not launching on some systems.

And thankfully, testing my Valve Index on Kubuntu 23.10 today the new UI does finally show up and the annoying 303 error has also gone as well. So we're a big step closer. Some issues still remain like the colours being flipped (it's very brown) and the Steam Store section was just a blank page but it's getting there now.

Pictured - SteamVR 2.0.10 on Linux

Hopefully it won't be long until the other issues are fixed now it's mostly working. Great stuff to see!

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Corben Nov 5, 2023
Quoting: Steven-Knepper
Quoting: CorbenFor me 2.0.10 gives error 497: "Failed to connect to window manager"
"Stable" 2.0.8 still works though.

I solved that issue by installing the OVR advanced settings.

I'm on Mint 21.2
I got OVRAS installed already, but I heard 2.0.11 should fix the 497 error, need to re-test.
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