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Light No Fire is another interesting game announcement coming from The Game Awards 2023, coming from Hello Games, the crew that created No Man's Sky.

What is it? A game about adventure, building, survival and exploration together. What makes it interesting, is the claim that the world is literally the size of planet Earth. An open-world survival adventure with "a scale never attempted before". The idea and style of it look pretty great:

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I'm excited, but cautiously so. Since we all know by now what happened with No Man's Sky. While it's an objectively good game now, the release state was not what was expected full of over-promise and under-delivering. Hopefully Hello Games learned a valuable lesson on that one. Then again…

Source: X/Twitter.

Hopefully like No Man's Sky it will have Vulkan API support, so that playing it on Desktop Linux or Steam Deck with Valve's Steam Play Proton will give a good experience!


  • A Multiplayer Earth - Carve a life together. Meet players from across the globe, build a life, explore and survive together. Construct persistent buildings and communities, or strike out alone to discover the world for others.
  • A Procedural Earth - A truly open world, with no boundaries at a scale never attempted before. A massively varied and dense planet filled with immersive biomes, unique enemies and valuable resources to discover.
  • A Fantasy Earth - Light No Fire presents you with an ancient earth to uncover. One where you're not the hero. Thick with lore, mystery and a constant fight for survival. Inspired by the adventure, charm and imagination that we love from classic fantasy.
  • An Unexplored Earth - Every mountain can be climbed, and below them lie endless vistas, oceans and continents perhaps no others have seen. Who will climb the tallest mountains, who will find the deepest sea? Set sail across vast oceans and rivers, ride wild beasts through fantastical landscapes, fly dragons over undiscovered landscapes.

Follow Light No Fire on Steam.

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Philadelphus Dec 8, 2023
Quotethe world is literally the size of planet Earth. An open-world survival adventure with "a scale never attempted before".
If I remember correctly, a Minecraft world is about eight times the size of planet Earth.

Snark aside, the trailer makes it look very pretty, if not exactly the type of game I pref—oh my word, are those skeletal toddlers walking around eight seconds in!? Just what is going on in this world??
Lofty Dec 8, 2023
idk it honestly looks like a dull reskinned NMS, besides the 'ARK'- 'lets wow you with graphics' trailer. Valheim kind of proved you don't need epic graphics to be a good mythological fantasy game.

Personally I find NMS to be a complete grind fest, and i have tried really hard to 'get through it' wonder if this will be any different. I guess time will tell.
Jarmer Dec 8, 2023
Noted and infamous con-man launches new scam, attempts to gain confidence from abused and battered gamers.
GetBeaned Dec 8, 2023
Quoting: such
Quoting: GetBeanedIt looks lovely. I'm really pleased with how No Man's Sky turned out, but I've always been more of a fantasy guy than sci fi.

Shame about alt-J though lol. Explosions in the Sky did a wonderful job on the NMS ost.
Did you mean 65daysofstatic (and not quite even then), or did I miss something?

Oops, yeah, got my post rock bands mixed up.
CatKiller Dec 8, 2023
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Quoting: LoftyPersonally I find NMS to be a complete grind fest, and i have tried really hard to 'get through it' wonder if this will be any different. I guess time will tell.

Trying to "get through it" is likely why you found it a grind. It's a sandbox game like Minecraft, just with lasers and spaceships - there's a lot of making your own entertainment involved.
wytrabbit Dec 9, 2023
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Quoting: CatKiller
Quoting: LoftyPersonally I find NMS to be a complete grind fest, and i have tried really hard to 'get through it' wonder if this will be any different. I guess time will tell.

Trying to "get through it" is likely why you found it a grind. It's a sandbox game like Minecraft, just with lasers and spaceships - there's a lot of making your own entertainment involved.

I feel like a big part of the grind with NMS is trying to manage a dozen things at once, while maintaining resource inventory so you don't get stuck or die somewhere, while also trying to complete various quests (personal or game). I'd love to play it in a group but it's too much for me to keep in perspective solo.

I'm hoping with this game, by focusing on just the one planet, they can make adventure more satisfying and the procedural generation more beautiful.
TheRiddick Dec 9, 2023
I do wonder if like 10 expected features will come as patches after release, lol
Purple Library Guy Dec 9, 2023
Quoting: ExpandingMan
Quoting: Purple Library GuyDo we have evidence of just what sort of fantasy setting it is, or are you just asserting that all fantasy settings are rote and generic?

Just my impression based on the video. More broadly, fantasy usually means "medieval Europe with a few specific tropes largely derived from LoTR and D&D", which seems consistent with what we are seeing (e.g. architecture, weapons, dragons).
Well, point. Mind you, science fiction usually means "modern North America with a few specific tropes largely derived from Star Trek, Star Wars, and Andre Norton" which seems consistent with my understanding of No Man's Sky.
such Dec 9, 2023
Quoting: GetBeaned
Quoting: such
Quoting: GetBeanedIt looks lovely. I'm really pleased with how No Man's Sky turned out, but I've always been more of a fantasy guy than sci fi.

Shame about alt-J though lol. Explosions in the Sky did a wonderful job on the NMS ost.
Did you mean 65daysofstatic (and not quite even then), or did I miss something?

Oops, yeah, got my post rock bands mixed up.
If it's another collaboration that trailer song might be it and we'll be getting ambient for gameplay. I like the idea of devs collaborating with different bands this way, honestly.
wytrabbit Dec 9, 2023
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Quoting: Philadelphusoh my word, are those skeletal toddlers walking around eight seconds in

I'm betting they're skeletal gnomes haha. Those are abnormal limb proportions for children. And on closer inspection they also have tiny horns, so maybe something other than gnomes.

Last edited by wytrabbit on 9 December 2023 at 5:07 pm UTC
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