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Linux share on Steam back to nearly 2% thanks to Steam Deck

By - | Views: 40,894

After a couple of months of the Linux user share on Steam dropping, the November 2023 Steam Hardware & Software Survey shows it shooting back up again. With Steam Deck continuing to push Linux gaming. See the data over time on the GOL Steam Tracker.

As mentioned in the last article for October 2023's numbers, the issue was something we've seen quite a few times now. A sudden surge of Simplified Chinese as a language on Steam, which pretty much always brings down the Linux and macOS share. Things look back to normal again now though.

The current numbers:

  • Windows 96.56%
  • Linux 1.91%
  • macOS 1.53%

When filtering just to the Linux numbers we can see that SteamOS Holo (Steam Deck) continues to be what's pushing the numbers up overall:

  • SteamOS Holo 64 bit 42.99% +0.68%
  • Arch Linux 64 bit 7.81% +0.27%
  • Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS 64 bit 6.67% -0.06%
  • SDK 23.08 (Flatpak runtime) 64 bit 5.33% -0.40%
  • Linux Mint 21.2 64 bit 4.25% +0.32%
  • Manjaro Linux 64 bit 3.79% -0.16%
  • Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS 64 bit 2.68% +2.68%
  • Other 26.48% -3.33%

See the full survey on Steam.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pengling Dec 3, 2023
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Quoting: BlackBloodRumYou young'uns and your new fancy technology, you don't know what you're missing out on *shakes walking stick*.

Back in my day we didn't have those fancy flashy portable devices you hold in your hand and take everywhere with you. We had these things that sat on a desk that had at least two monitors and a tower unit to power those monitors.

When we were teens, we would spend all day hacking away at code on our desktop computers! No silly games, no fancy phones just pure childhood joy of computer coding, as all children should have!

Honestly, the youth of today. You just don't get it.

/me walks off grumbling about the youth of today while using walking stick.
It's official, Rum has metamorphosed into Cranky Kong.
ElectricPrism Dec 3, 2023
Quoting: BlackBloodRumThe cloud is trust worthy, join the system. Be a part of our new world order, place all your data within our loving data centers. We promise not to peak at your data* and we take your privacy very seriously. Remember, Cloud is your friend, the cloud is your future. Clouds, be a cloud user today.


Lib-Inst Dec 3, 2023
cool. hope more native linux games are released going forward.Sometimes mac gets a version and not linux so this may sway things.
Marlock Dec 3, 2023
Quoting: emphyMy guess is that there'll be a well-adapted steamos/chimeraos/whatever-community-distro for deck-alikes before that happens.
Isn't ChimaeraOS the well-adapted SteamOS/ChimaeraOS/whatever for Deck-alikes?

Last edited by Marlock on 3 December 2023 at 11:43 pm UTC
Linux_Rocks Dec 4, 2023
Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: BlackBloodRumYou young'uns and your new fancy technology, you don't know what you're missing out on *shakes walking stick*.

Back in my day we didn't have those fancy flashy portable devices you hold in your hand and take everywhere with you. We had these things that sat on a desk that had at least two monitors and a tower unit to power those monitors.

When we were teens, we would spend all day hacking away at code on our desktop computers! No silly games, no fancy phones just pure childhood joy of computer coding, as all children should have!

Honestly, the youth of today. You just don't get it.

/me walks off grumbling about the youth of today while using walking stick.
It's official, Rum has metamorphosed into Cranky Kong.
One of the best parts of Rare Donkey Kong.
DrivanegaXi Dec 4, 2023
Majority apple users left to windows side after apple no longer supporting Nvidia, Intel, and, vulkan , opencl ,and cuda. Not sure the point of using macos when it's 1% now but very high in mobile phones and small devices...Linux 12%, ? Linux 4% ?? , or Linux 2%?? Which one??
Pengling Dec 4, 2023
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Quoting: Linux_RocksOne of the best parts of Rare Donkey Kong.
Come on Cranky! Take it to the fridge! \m/

There's a good little fan-made mini-documentary here about the character, too - the only thing that it misses is how he was basically a joke about British grumpy-old-men who are all talk and didn't actually achieve any of what they were preaching about (but that's to be expected - the video isn't British-made, and that particular strain of grumpy old geezers is chiefly a British thing). Still, it's great fun and comes from a place of genuine enthusiasm, and I've got great respect for that.

Quoting: DrivanegaXiMajority apple users left to windows side after apple no longer supporting Nvidia, Intel, and, vulkan , opencl ,and cuda. Not sure the point of using macos when it's 1% now but very high in mobile phones and small devices...Linux 12%, ? Linux 4% ?? , or Linux 2%?? Which one??
Desktop share is higher outside of gaming, and Macs are still the main choice in the publishing space and similar, so there's a lot of point in using it there, at least. It's a field where open alternatives still need to gain more reach.

Last edited by Pengling on 4 December 2023 at 12:57 pm UTC
pete910 Dec 4, 2023
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Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: pete910Why do people take any notice the steam survey ?
Because it's all we've got?
Conjure me some more accurate, comprehensive, and transparent information and I'll pay attention to that instead.

But why take any notice of inherently flawed data whether its all we've got or not ?
amatai Dec 4, 2023
Quoting: pete910
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: pete910Why do people take any notice the steam survey ?
Because it's all we've got?
Conjure me some more accurate, comprehensive, and transparent information and I'll pay attention to that instead.

But why take any notice of inherently flawed data whether its all we've got or not ?

Science works that way, if it's good enough for science, it should be good enough. (Yes, I'm doing experimental not theoretical research )
Lib-Inst Dec 5, 2023
Quoting: DrivanegaXiMajority apple users left to windows side after apple no longer supporting Nvidia, Intel, and, vulkan , opencl ,and cuda. Not sure the point of using macos when it's 1% now but very high in mobile phones and small devices...Linux 12%, ? Linux 4% ?? , or Linux %?? Which one??

what do you mean Apple no longer supports NVIDIA,intel,etc?
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