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Celeste gets a 3D makeover in Celeste 64 for the sixth anniversary

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Celeste is easily one of the most popular indie platformers ever made, and it's still going strong six years later. To celebrate, the developers put up a 3D version with Celeste 64: Fragments of the Mountain. The original has an Overwhelmingly Positive rating on Steam from close to 80,000 user reviews.

This new version of the game was made by the original developers in under 2 weeks, which is meant to be considered more like a Game Jam game as they experimented with 3D.

Seems it was mainly designed for gamepad, so make sure you have one ready for the best experience. Just like the original, it's quite challenging to get through and quite nicely brings over the original into 3D. So it will be fun to see what else they come up with in future.

It's available free on itch.io and they even released the source code on GitHub. It's using a mixture of licenses with the content (like art and audio) under a proprietary license, there's FMOD too but the rest seems is open source.

What do you think to this? Let me know in the comments.

Their next upcoming game is Earthblade, a "2D explor-action game in a seamless pixel art world" that's due out sometime this year.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pengling Jan 31
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I never liked the Nintendo 64 very much in its day (it had almost no games that I liked and I got burned on some releases that were vastly overpriced in the UK, which led to me ditching it back then), but recently decided to give it a second chance and ended up discovering a few games on it that I do like, which surprised me quite a lot. It was also fun getting the emulated output to be as hardware-accurate as I could get it, plus some upscaling to modern resolutions to add some modern niceties to it - since the N64 was designed to be PC-like in the first place*, this all maps nicely onto modern PCs emulating its games!

*The cartridges weren't so stupid once you realise that they were meant to be analogous to hard-drives due to the console taking aim at the PCs of the day (more so than the rival consoles), which the N64 handily outdid for several years, for quite a low price considering the technology it contained.

All of that to say that Celeste 64 here looks pretty close to being the part! It just needs some anti-aliasing, and the N64's rather unique 3-point bilinear filtering, which was part of what gave its games their distinctive look, by blurring things diagonally, which substantially changes how textures look compared to the more standard 4-point filtering you usually see.

That's pedantic to be saying about a Game Jam game, I know, but I'd love to see this look even more like the inspiration for its name!
Liam Dawe Jan 31
Adjusted the text on licensing to be clearer.
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