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Jazz Jackrabbit 2 is a much loved classic that continues to live on thanks to the Jazz² Resurrection project, with a new release that went live recently bringing Flatpak support.

I must admit I missed the boat on this one. People mention it to me every time it has an update, so it clearly has a few fans. Perhaps you have fond memories of it and didn't know it existed either — well, now you do.

Here's what's in the latest update:

  • Added Flatpak package and published on Flathub
  • Added player weapon flare
  • Added Reforged HUD and Reforged Main Menu as separate options
  • Added jjk cheat
  • Added Load gamepad mappings also from config directory if exists
  • Added Don't show custom levels that should be hidden
  • Improved Gameplay Enhancements menu section
  • Improved Various internal performance optimizations
  • Fixed Fish and LabRat enemies
  • Fixed Airboard
  • Fixed horizontal Spring orientation in some levels
  • Fixed alignment of some level messages
  • Fixed crash while rendering a lot of particles
  • Fixed jumping out of water in some levels
  • Fixed some cases where symbolic link to file couldn't be used

See more on the official site and GitHub. Easier than ever to run thanks to the new Flatpak.

It does require the original game to run which you can pick up on GOG.com.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Pengling Jan 6
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Quoting: TruckStopSantaClausGotta ask
Has anyone Tried playing this on Steam Deck, it being on Flathub should make it super easy (as long as there isn't any issues with controller support)
Quoting: PenglingI haven't tried it yet, but I'll give it a look later. Hopefully it's not as much of a nuisance as running the original v1.20/v1.23 release of Jazz 2 on the Deck - I didn't have a good experience with that.
Well, that got cut short - searching for it in Discover on the Steam Deck brings up no results.
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: M@GOidBut if you consider how bad most western platformers were, the bar wasn't too high tough.
What are you talking about? Some decent to great western platformers (and series) I remember enjoying on my Amiga 500 in the early nineties are Zool, Superfrog, James Pond, Fire and Ice, Leander, Toki, Gods, Chuck Rock, Rick Dangerous, Shadow of the Beast, Ghosts 'n' Goblins, The Addams Family, Disney's Aladdin & Lion King... I must be forgetting a whole load. But you get the idea.

I think it's the ungodly amounts of licensed shovelware that got released on C64 & Amiga that casts a shadow on the genre in general -- that, and also the fact that while often very pretty, even the best of these 'western platformers' lacked the responsiveness of a Mega Man or a Mario. Also in terms of level design, as much as I adore the original Turrican games, they really don't hold a candle to Super Metroid.
@pengling yeah was going to post about that, but I've been busy. Guess I'll just wait a bit
Coming back to announce that not only is JJ2R now on the Discover store, but it also works flawlessly on steam deck (make sure to add it as a non Steam game for easy access). Oh and that's not all, tried it on my desktop and it has support for ultrawide monitors. it's almost like cheating

Last edited by TruckStopSantaClaus on 3 March 2024 at 12:53 pm UTC
Pengling Mar 3
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Quoting: TruckStopSantaClausComing back to announce that not only is JJ2R now on the Discover store, but it also works flawlessly on steam deck (make sure to add it a non Steam game for easy access). Oh and that's not all, tried it on my desktop and it has support for ultrawide monitors. it's almost like cheating
Oh sweet! Thanks for the update!

Will have to take a look at this when I've got a moment.
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