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Okay boomers, you get a shooter category on Steam now

By - | Views: 35,812

Valve have finally done it, they've actually gone and made Boomer Shooter an official category on Steam. Since there's quite a lot of them now, and more releasing every day, it makes a lot of sense.

From sound designer Andrew Hulshult on X (formerly Twitter) who posted:

The term "boomer shooter" was a lovingly cheeky term we saw used once when developing Dusk as a description for Doom. So we ran with it because it was funny. It would go on to be associated with a entire genre of shooters. Today it's a category on steam. I love this reality.

Pictured - the Boomer Shooter category, the top rotating banner.

From Dusk to ULTRAKILL, there's according to Steam 107 games in this category, with only 24 having Native Linux support but no doubt most if not all will work with Steam Play Proton. Looks like a few I missed too so I can't wait to dive in and get discovering a potential new favourite.

Go check out the Boomer Shooter category.

What's your current favourite Boomer Shooter? Let me now in the comments.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Beaky Jan 9
Quoting: Luke_NukemShould have called them "Doom clones" like they were actually called in the 90s. Fucking hate that "boomer shooter" term.
Ok boomer
I suppose anything with pixel graphics will slowly become tagged as "Boomer something". Can't wait to see Dead Cells tagged as both "Boomer Metroidvania" and "Boomer Roguelike".
<old-man-rant>Sigh... Welcome to the internet, where we ignore the real meaning of words... None of the original id devs were boomers, as in born between 1946-1964, and it has nothing to do with being old... BuT hEy iT rhYMes huRR HuRr</old-man-rant>
14 Jan 13
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I guess this isn't my thing seeing as I own 0 of the games with this tag.
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