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Well this is quite a surprise isn't it? Obsidian Entertainment have announced a new patch is coming and now in Beta on Steam for their 2015 RPG the Pillars of Eternity.

Posted in their official forum last week, this surprise update to the game focuses on an update to the Unity game engine along with fixing up lots of issues reported over the last few years to keep it hopefully running nicely. Always great to see developers go back to their older titles like this!

Full patch notes:


  • We have updated to Unity Version 2019.4.11.


  • Fixed areas that could not be navigated in numerous scenes.
  • The lake in Cayron's Scar should no longer be unintentionally traversable when submerged.

Visual and Audio:

  • Fixed multiple cases where characters might T-Pose briefly at the beginning of a cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue where paperdolls in character creation and inventory screens might appear blurry.
  • Overwhelming Wave should more reliably play its visual effects.
  • Fixed VFX issues with the Woodskin spell rotating or attaching incorrectly.
  • Symbols western chamber of Lle a Rhemen should now properly light up when expected.
  • Fixed redundant horn audio playing after the battle of Yenwood.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to open locked containers could play multiple voice lines at once.
  • Fixed a handful of cases where dialogue audio wouldn’t play when certain nodes were re-triggered.

Quests and Dialogue:

  • Ready the Cannons side quest should now properly update its objectives.
  • Dialogue from Buried Secrets quest should no longer allow the player to demand their payment more than once.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple barked lines in Gilded Vale could overlap excessively.
  • Fixed an issue where Eder’s bark lines in the Temple of Eothas may end abruptly.
  • Fixed a case where Calisca could trigger the wrong bark line near the camp inside Cilant Lîs.

Combat and Mechanics:

  • Earth Blights should no longer sometimes detach from their selection circles when dominated.
  • Scroll of Ray of Fire should now appear correctly and more accurately match the behavior of the Ray of Fire spell.
  • Fixed a case where manually resolving stronghold combat could sometimes yield no rewards.
  • Fixed a case where prone characters might try to move while prone, resulting in sliding behavior.
  • Concelhaut’s Draining Missiles should no longer occasionally show 0.0 damage in the combat log.
  • Weapon Specialization: Peasant should now reliably add its damage to unarmed attacks.
  • Fixed some cases where the Halt spell might confuse enemy AI, causing them to repeatedly interrupt and re-attempt their own actions.
  • Removed errant untargetable Xaurip that could sometimes appear in Dyrford Crossing.
  • Fixed a case where Sleafhota might teleport to an alternate location mid-dialogue before attacking the player.
  • Attacking Osrya directly will now reliably engage with her revenant and skeleton minions.
  • Fixed a case where all survival camping bonuses might appear after spending only a single skill rank on Survival.

User Interface and Interaction:

  • Fixed a UI issue where chants could sometimes clip beyond their scrolling frame.
  • Fixed a case where the damage type icon on the character sheet might not position correctly.
  • Fixed some cases where assigning companions to multiple stronghold missions at once might cause UI issues.
  • Quick loading with the crafting or enchanting UI open should no longer result in a permanent black screen.
  • Fixed a typo in the description of Animal Companions.
  • Fixed an issue where highlighting certain parts of a defeated enemy would not allow you to loot them.
  • Doors in some scenes that were difficult to interact with have had their collision revised and should now be more reliable.
  • Fixed a case where the final pressure plate in the Temple of Woedica would not appear.
  • Examining the wall trophy inside of Elm’s Reach should now be possible.
  • Skipping intros when first starting the client should now be more responsive.

Pillars of Eternity has Native Linux support and is rated Steam Deck Playable.

You can buy Pillars of Eternity from:



Obsidian are currently working on Avowed, a first-person fantasy RPG that should be due out this year.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Jarmer Jan 9
Pillars 2 is probably my favorite rpg I've played in the past 5 years. And I've played a LOT of rpg's. It was just sooooooooooo good. I am very excited to see how Avowed turns out. And I never did play Pillars 1, I just can't stand real time combat, so without the turn based mode implemented in PoE2, I just can't do it. Too bad because updates like this make me want to go back and try it, but ......... nope.
such Jan 9
Quoting: JarmerPillars 2 is probably my favorite rpg I've played in the past 5 years. And I've played a LOT of rpg's. It was just sooooooooooo good. I am very excited to see how Avowed turns out. And I never did play Pillars 1, I just can't stand real time combat, so without the turn based mode implemented in PoE2, I just can't do it. Too bad because updates like this make me want to go back and try it, but ......... nope.
It's been a while, but I think you can set the game to pause if certain conditions are met. Obviously not TB, but it's something.

Unless I'm misremembering and mixing it up with BG.

Last edited by such on 9 January 2024 at 5:30 pm UTC
jams3223 Jan 9
An update is also coming for Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, and it might also get full Steam Deck compatibility.
such Jan 9
Quoting: jams3223An update is also coming for Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, and it might also get full Steam Deck compatibility.
I much prefer just mapping the m+k controls instead of their controller setup for consoles if that's indeed what they're planning. It does the job, but it's not something I want or need on a device with touchpads.

I still get cold shivers remembering that time I tried BG on a Switch...
kaiman Jan 9
Quoting: JarmerAnd I never did play Pillars 1, I just can't stand real time combat, so without the turn based mode implemented in PoE2, I just can't do it.
While the turn based mode in PoE 2 was a more than welcome addition, I did play and complete the first one just fine (sans the add-ons). So you might want to give it a try, if you haven't already.

I think one thing that made it bearable for me was that it did not feel as if there were lots of trash mobs. And the game was actually easy enough to not require lighting-quick reflexes or excessive micro-management.
pb Jan 9
I wholly enjoyed PoE up until the point where there was some massive battle and I haven't secured enough allies so I kept losing and apparently it was necessary to progress so I just dumped it. Maybe I'll revisit with this new patch.
hardpenguin Jan 10
You owe it to yourself to play it. It is a masterpiece, a shining, polished gem of an RPG 😍
Arehandoro Jan 10
I've been meaning to replay it, so I could get the saves before starting PoE2.

Silly question, what's the best way to use the Deck or the Steam Controller for games purchased in GOG? Is it just a matter of installing them with heroic and then adding them as a non-steam game?
based Jan 10
Does anyone know if update also applies for the Epic Games version of the game?
Raaben Jan 10
I got so excited for a moment seeing the headline. The things I would give for them to mash PoE 2's combat and multiclass system with the original game.. Had so much fun with the systems in 2 but not so much the setting and plot, the exact opposite with the first.

Nice to see them going back and keeping things updated though, would be nice to see a PoE3. Or Tyranny finished.
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