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What to Expect From Wine on Wayland in 2024

By - | Views: 31,895

Collabora, the company responsible for developing Wine's Wayland driver and getting it into Wine proper, has just published Wine on Wayland: A year in review (and a look ahead).

So far, they've landed support in Wine for Wayland in these areas:

  • Basic window management (fullscreen, maximization, resize, etc)
  • Software rendering (i.e., GDI)
  • Mouse support, including mouselook
  • Keyboard support, including keymap handling
  • Vulkan, including Direct3D through WineD3D/Vulkan or DXVK
  • Basic support for HiDPI

In 2024, Collabora wants to focus on upstreaming support in these areas:

  • Emulation of display mode changes through compositor scaling
  • OpenGL support
  • Improved positioning of transient windows (popups, menus, etc)
  • Even more window management (e.g., minimization)
  • Clipboard and drag-and-drop
  • General robustness improvements, bug fixes, code improvements

And once those are out of the way, these features would be "great to have eventually":

  • Support for system DPI auto-detection and, ideally, per-monitor DPI handling in Wine core
  • Integration with the upcoming Wayland color-management (and hdr) protocol
  • Cross-process rendering

It's possible to enable the still-experimental driver if your Wine build supports it by editing the Wine registry.

Either way, the Wayland driver is a big deal. With RHEL going so far as to deprecate X11, we've seen a lot of developments across the Linux space in supporting Wayland recently.

Have you tried the Wayland driver already? What features does it need before you would consider using it in place of the XWayland version? OpenGL support seems like a big one. Or are you sticking with X11 for the foreseeable future?

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I started using Linux in 2020. I'm a visual novel aficionado with an appreciation for indie games. I can also be found playing big-budget multiplayer games with friends. The day Rainbow Six: Siege's anti-cheat works in Proton will be the day all my gaming is done on Linux.
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Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: pleasereadthemanual
Quoting: Purple Library GuyYeah. Although what I really really want is alternatives to Adobe products that work about as well, because I really dislike Adobe. Specifically for fiddling with .pdfs, I have no need for anything more powerful for image stuff than the GIMP and various other already available open source things.
Have you tried I haven't, so this is a genuine question
No. I only get halfway serious with .pdf for work, and at work we've got subscriptions to Adobe Creative Cloud, which has nothing to do with a cloud, you just download the software.

We also have that plan. I think. Adobe is confusing as hell. It includes access to some web-based versions of those programs at

Quoting: Purple Library GuyIt was the only software I've ever used at work where systems people had to come down and walk me through the process of getting access--not because I called them up or was having particular trouble or anything, just because they had to do this with everybody who needed to use the damn thing. Basically although we bought X many licenses or whatever, every single person had to log into their website which I guess they're calling a cloud even though it's just a server you're downloading their software from, and authenticate directly with them as a person who's allowed to get their software, I guess so they can track you specifically and presumably turn it off if you try to keep using it after the subscription is over . . .

Anyway, I think they're assholes. But I can't currently get away from them.

It's the same situation here. It's more flexible; as long as I can get my work done, it doesn't matter so much what I use. So I do use Affinity Photo for some solo projects. But I can't replace After Effects, and inDesign is impossible to replace without file conversion. If I could get rid of After Effects, I would be very happy. DaVinci Resolve Fusion is looking like the only viable replacement, but there's a definite learning curve and the work I do with AE is not that serious. Natron somehow seems to have an even larger learning curve and I'm a little concerned about how active the project is.

Yes, I think Adobe are assholes. Adobe software used to work in Wine, at least in some form, before they switched to Creative Cloud. Then things got more complicated when they started using all that watchdog software.

Quoting: Purple Library GuyA couple years ago during Covid I was working from home from my Linux desktop, and everything else was fine--LibreOffice was fine for the office stuff, our library system is browser based etc., but no Linux things I tried would do what I wanted with .pdf files. Luckily there was a remote desktop setup thing, so I was able to use Acrobat via that, but that was the only thing I needed to do that for. Master PDF, you say? Hadn't heard of that, I should give it a shot.
Here's a link:

There's a comparison table of the features. It's a one-time purchase, I believe. I think Foxit is another one? But they're quite expensive. It's worth a shot.

I haven't bothered because working with PDFs is the least of my worries, haha.
Quoting: FoxStevenWhat I only want is using Adobe Product on linux......
Some of it is already usable, but it's a hack and isn't reliable. We'd likely see Adobe moving to web-based solution to make a single SKU for all their products available in all platforms.
Quoting: Purple Library GuyYeah. Although what I really really want is alternatives to Adobe products that work about as well, because I really dislike Adobe. Specifically for fiddling with .pdfs, I have no need for anything more powerful for image stuff than the GIMP and various other already available open source things.
For PDFs, I just use MasterPDF Editor 5 on Flatpak for most simple editing stuff, and I use MasterPDF 4 in a container for the more complex stuff. I've looked into Qoopa PDF Studio as well, though that one is paid-only so I haven't really tested much of it.

Though I do prefer Foxit because it's just much better. I have a Portable version I use in a Windows VM, because even with Wine it's sub-optimal vs just using it in a VM.

Last edited by fenglengshun on 5 February 2024 at 3:55 am UTC
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