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5 years later Valve finally gives Windows compatibility tool Proton a logo

By - | Views: 49,211

Can you believe it? Proton, the compatibility layer that allows Windows games to run on Steam Deck / Linux PCs didn't actually have a proper logo for over 5 years.

Not everything actually needs a logo of course, but it did feel somewhat odd for a piece of software so essential to Valve's plans to just be completely blank on that. With all the entries of Proton in Steam just showing up blank with their name and version, it was about time Valve made it at least a tiny bit prettier don't you think?

Pictured - Proton logo - Valve

Proton has been around since August 2018! 5 and a half years! Hard to imagine trying to game on Linux without it now, it's so incredibly useful and just amazing tech. The Steam Deck obviously wouldn't have been such a success without it, and it's crazy to think the original Steam Machines launched as they did with so few popular games. Proton is a true blessing, enabling tens of thousands of games to work on Linux systems like the Steam Deck.

I guess I can finally retire the silly little placeholder logo I threw out a long time ago when I needed something for it. Rest easy my child, your time is over.

Also, in case you missed it, Valve also recently launched the first Beta of Proton 9.0 and a new Proton Experimental version. Be sure to also read the overview I did back when Proton turned 5 which nicely sums things up.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pengling Feb 28
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It's about time! I like it.
pb Feb 28
Valve Time.
Ehvis Feb 28
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Half-Life 5 confirmed?
Linux_Rocks Feb 28
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Quoting: EhvisHalf-Life 5 confirmed?

Did HL3 and 4 already get released. Damn it, I missed the news again. I'll go check for them!
whizse Feb 28
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Official Valve Proton t-shirt when?
kokoko3k Feb 28
Aah all is ready for a new compatibility icon to join the 4 flags, 3/4 apple and the circle with the arm.
Reminds me of the ReactOS logo.
Minux Feb 28
Simple, elegant, magnificent. I finally have a profile picture for gaming on Linux!

Quoting: whizseOfficial Valve Proton t-shirt when?

Oh man, I'd buy one for sure.

Last edited by Minux on 28 February 2024 at 10:09 pm UTC
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