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5 years later Valve finally gives Windows compatibility tool Proton a logo

By - | Views: 49,212

Can you believe it? Proton, the compatibility layer that allows Windows games to run on Steam Deck / Linux PCs didn't actually have a proper logo for over 5 years.

Not everything actually needs a logo of course, but it did feel somewhat odd for a piece of software so essential to Valve's plans to just be completely blank on that. With all the entries of Proton in Steam just showing up blank with their name and version, it was about time Valve made it at least a tiny bit prettier don't you think?

Pictured - Proton logo - Valve

Proton has been around since August 2018! 5 and a half years! Hard to imagine trying to game on Linux without it now, it's so incredibly useful and just amazing tech. The Steam Deck obviously wouldn't have been such a success without it, and it's crazy to think the original Steam Machines launched as they did with so few popular games. Proton is a true blessing, enabling tens of thousands of games to work on Linux systems like the Steam Deck.

I guess I can finally retire the silly little placeholder logo I threw out a long time ago when I needed something for it. Rest easy my child, your time is over.

Also, in case you missed it, Valve also recently launched the first Beta of Proton 9.0 and a new Proton Experimental version. Be sure to also read the overview I did back when Proton turned 5 which nicely sums things up.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Cloversheen Feb 29
Quoting: ElectricPrismNow that I think of the Nintendo v Emulator lawsuit -- how would this effect Proton ???

If successful could Microsoft launch a lawsuit and say WINE is illegal? as it "Circumvents the intended use-case" ???
No, WINE would be like Google v. Oracle, which was pretty firmly settled in Google's favour, and thus WINE's.
elmapul Feb 29
so... the logo on protonDB was not the logo for proton? lol
neolith Feb 29
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: neolithSorry to be that guy, but that is really not a good icon for the name.
By the looks of it I would guess hydrogen anion, but never proton.
To be fair, protons don't really look like much of anything. Heck, I think it's hard to even abstractly conceptualize them as looking like much of anything . . . maybe you could represent them as some kind of swirl of three components (the quarks)?
I completely agree.
It is incredibly hard to visualize something that is rather abstract in contrast to things that we can visually observe in daily life. I am not saying, they could have easily done better because there is an easy solution.
But I feel like showing something that is visualizing something completely different is not the right way. They'd better make a nice thing out of the word mark than trying to make up an icon for something that the name isn't describing.
Trias Feb 29
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Captain Proton.
TheRiddick Feb 29
Pengling Feb 29
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Quoting: ElectricPrismBefore Halo 1 was owned by Microsoft Studios it was available on MacOS/OSX -- and after Microsoft bought it they pulled the plug on that.
A small correction if I may. The original Mac version of Halo was never released. Microsoft bought Halo and its developer Bungie entirely to prevent the Macintosh platform from ever getting a gaming killer-app - which is totally in line with Microsoft's modus operandi. The Halo FPS that was eventually released (and which did later get a Mac OS X port) isn't the same as the third-person successor to Marathon that was revealed and made such waves originally.

Quoting: ElectricPrismWe could probably discuss whether or not that is presently true of Microsoft. Come to think of it when they bought Minecraft I don't remember seeing a non-windows version.
To be absolutely fair, they kept almost all of the non-Microsoft versions of Minecraft available (I believe the exception was the Raspberry Pi Edition, which they pinched the idea for and then ran off to make Education Edition which I believe is only for Windows), and kept making more of them, too.

That said, Microsoft bought Minecraft after its creator talked about releasing it under an open license, and of course, as with preventing the Mac from getting a killer app, they had to prevent open platforms from getting one, too, so nothing has really changed about what they're doing.

Relevant article, also.

Quoting: whizseOfficial Valve Proton t-shirt when?
Quoting: MinuxOh man, I'd buy one for sure.
Same here - I wish they'd bring back the official Valve merchandise store!

Last edited by Pengling on 29 February 2024 at 8:26 am UTC
Tchey Feb 29
Alright, but... it’s not a good logo for "Proton", nor for anything actually. It’s absolutely generic and bland and not even accurate.
Liam Dawe Feb 29
Quoting: elmapulso... the logo on protonDB was not the logo for proton? lol
No, it seems like ProtonDB just recoloured the React logo. And I just realised, they're not even within the license since they don't give attribution oopsies.
Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: elmapulso... the logo on protonDB was not the logo for proton? lol
No, it seems like ProtonDB just recoloured the React logo. And I just realised, they're not even within the license since they don't give attribution oopsies.
Although the license situation there is weird. It says it's Creative Commons, but above that there's also a note saying it "does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain." In which case you can't really license it, Creative Commons or otherwise, although I suppose you could claim it was.
And that's not really surprising--that basic image has been getting used for atom-type-stuff for decades and decades, by everyone from governments to comic books. IIRC, that was the image Doctor Manhattan refused to use in Watchmen.
Liam Dawe Feb 29
Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: elmapulso... the logo on protonDB was not the logo for proton? lol
No, it seems like ProtonDB just recoloured the React logo. And I just realised, they're not even within the license since they don't give attribution oopsies.
Although the license situation there is weird. It says it's Creative Commons, but above that there's also a note saying it "does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain." In which case you can't really license it, Creative Commons or otherwise, although I suppose you could claim it was.
And that's not really surprising--that basic image has been getting used for atom-type-stuff for decades and decades, by everyone from governments to comic books. IIRC, that was the image Doctor Manhattan refused to use in Watchmen.
I suppose you're right, but when you see super basic things (like fruit, letters etc) clearly trademarked / copyrighted, it's never clear, and of course Wikipedia is also not to be taken on the legal word.
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