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Quite an impressive milestone for an incredible game overall! The Half-Life remake Black Mesa has managed to cross over 100,000 user reviews on Steam. It's rated Overwhelmingly Positive thanks to everyone leaving their thoughts. And going by the Steam Top 250 list it's currently number 155 of the most highly rated games on Steam ever.

Not exactly surprising though, given how loved Half-Life is and Black Mesa is a pretty incredible remake all-around with some fantastic attention to detail.

Black Mesa is rated Steam Deck Playable, and it has a Native Linux version - but you're better off using Proton as it's been left with numerous bugs.

Would you say people first starting off in Half-Life should jump into Black Mesa? Or are you a die-hard for the actual original which recently had its own big 25th Anniversary Update? I'm still amazed Valve actually allowed Crowbar Collective to do a remake like this.

Find Black Mesa on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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eldarion Feb 9
I'm happy for them. Personally, I didn't like it. Maybe because I'm coming from a Quake background, but the hitscans on this mod are insane. Even worse than the original.
ShabbyX Feb 9
Quoting: mahagrI tried to play Black Mesa couple of years ago and it just kept on crashing. I posted a negative review because of that (to help others on Linux to decide) and people just kept on saying that I should uninstall Linux and use Windows instead. After that I just lost interest to the game.

I still have conflicted feelings if I should try it again. Maybe when it's ready?

I bet it crashed equally as much on windows too, but losers will be losers, don't feel too bad.

When I played it a year or two ago, I had a game-breaking crash too. I had to load a save file from a few levels before so it wouldn't crash on that spot.
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