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The future of NVIDIA hardware on Linux is here with the open source Vulkan driver NVK in Mesa, as there's now a Merge Request to have it shipped by default. Once approved and merged into Mesa, this should then ship with the Mesa 24.1 release due out hopefully at the start of May.

NVK is also now a conformant Vulkan 1.3 driver on Turing (RTX 2000 and GTX 1600 series), Ampere (RTX 3000 series), and Ada (RTX 4000 series) GPUs. From developer Faith Ekstrand in the Collabora blog post, "Not only have we jumped forward three Vulkan versions, but the new test runs were done with the GSP firmware enabled and includes Ampere and Ada GPUs. Also, unlike the initial 1.0 run, there are no hacks this time. Every test we passed in those conformance test runs also passes on upstream Mesa".

Ekstrand also mentioned lots of work went into ensuring DXVK (part of Proton for D3D9, D3D10 and D3D11 to Vulkan) would run completely out of the box with Mesa, and work continues on D3D12 to Vulkan work via VKD3D-Proton. 

Additionally, the OpenGL support, they're still expecting Zink + NVK to be the plan, as noted in our previous article. Because it's much more performant than the old original nouveau OpenGL driver and should keep improving too on features, performance and stability.

So in later distribution releases, you should hopefully get access to it out of the box with no configuration required if you have an NVIDIA GPU that's currently supported.

What a great time for open source. Fantastic work by all involved in this project.

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ShabbyX Feb 29
Never underestimate how awesome Faith is! I'm excited to see what major issue she'll tackle next after nvk is done and left to others to maintain.
LoudTechie Feb 29
Quoting: ShabbyXNever underestimate how awesome Faith is! I'm excited to see what major issue she'll tackle next after nvk is done and left to others to maintain.

Based on her latest post on the matter Maxwell support and performance.
I can't be that far from being able to ditch the proprietary drivers at this point...I just want a good Wayland experience.
ShabbyX Feb 29
Quoting: LoudTechie
Quoting: ShabbyXNever underestimate how awesome Faith is! I'm excited to see what major issue she'll tackle next after nvk is done and left to others to maintain.

Based on her latest post on the matter Maxwell support and performance.

I mean, that'd be great but at her speed it'll take, what, 1 month? :P

I'm thinking more long term, like overhaul the kernel graphics subsystem so all the problems are magically gone, that sort of scale.
Mohandevir Feb 29
If the opensource driver supports Wayland and SteamOS Game mode, I might be tempted to test it with my old GTX 1660 Super.
whizse Feb 29
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Not ready for prime time. NVK still needs a logo!
Calinou Feb 29
Defaulting to Zink + NVK will be interesting because it's a combination that allows you to force anisotropic filtering on games that don't provide an option for it, unlike stock Mesa/Gallium3D OpenGL :)

I remember having to run games through Zink just to be able to do that on AMD…
Torqachu Feb 29
Now I'm hoping for support for Kepler in a "short" time (including automatic reclocking), it would help me get by without having to change the entire PC for a while longer.

This sentence sounds horrible in English, sorry
hardpenguin Feb 29
One day we will get rid of GPUs (and other hardware) competing on secrecy & exclusive features (often not needed). Today we are a step closer to that day.

(at least on Linux, haha).

Last edited by hardpenguin on 29 February 2024 at 4:09 pm UTC
Pyretic Feb 29
Quoting: LoudTechieMaxwell support and performance.

I'm sorry but where does she say that she's working on Maxwell support? The blog you linked doesn't mention that
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