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Remote Play broken on Steam Deck with the February stable update

By - | Views: 35,501

Valve just recently launched a big stable update to the Steam Client for both Steam Deck and Desktop PCs, which has come with one big issue for Steam Deck.

Sadly, it seems Remote Play on Steam Deck is now broken. Trying to play a game from a Linux or Windows host just results in a spinning Steam logo screen on the Steam Deck. Weirdly, in my testing, the Steam Deck did get audio but no visual or input — the only choice is to press B to exit the stream.

The thing is, this has been a reported bug since at least February 3rd, when it was noticed from people on the Preview / Beta update channels with multiple confirmed reports.

Hopefully Valve will solve it. Although, other reports have noted that it does work again in the current Release Candidate update available via Developer Options (for the next upcoming major update), which is not meant for any normal users so I wouldn't recommend changing it as enabling the advanced update channels could cause future problems.

Pictured - Steam Big Picture Mode

A shame to see such a useful feature broken in this way. Hopefully Valve will ensure this feature is fully tested when rolling out future updates to the Steam Deck. Remote Play has always bin a bit iffy in my testing, something with it always seems to be broken but this is the first time I've seen it entirely broken like this.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pyretic Feb 29
An update just came out fixing this bug
automattic Feb 29
Quoting: LordDaveTheKindI rarely used it. Can it work as well as Sunshine does (i.e. with hardware encoding too)?

Sure it's has hardware decoding but the performance is garbage compared to sunshine. I tried to use it quite a bit but it just doesn't work well even with to s of tweaking.

Lag is worse, jitters and blocky pixelation. No issues at all with sunshine/ moonlight on the same devices.
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Quoting: automatticLag is worse, jitters and blocky pixelation. No issues at all with sunshine/ moonlight on the same devices.
Thank you for sharing. This was exactly my same experience. That's why I switched to Sunshine/Moonlight.
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