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Game over for Roblox on Linux / Steam Deck as it's now blocked

By - | Views: 79,690

Well, there it is, the update for Roblox has arrived that now forcefully blocks it from working with Wine on Linux systems (like Steam Deck).

It's been a bit of a saga hasn't it? Roblox has always been somewhat iffy to play on Linux, at times being broken while people working on the likes of Grapefruit and Vinegar repeatedly kept up with changes to make it work. The Roblox developers then introduced Hyperion anti-cheat software, although they continued to make it work unofficially with Wine but that wasn't to last as a developer explained that it has caused cheating.

Now if you try to run it, you will simply be told "Wine is not supported.":

This is an intentional change by the Roblox dev team, to block Wine, as noted in the previous article linked above where a Roblox developer clearly replied to note it wouldn't work in future.

Despite what you may think of Roblox (and it's historically had plenty of problems) as one of the biggest gaming platforms ever, it's certainly a shame to see it go. There's plenty of people out there that have Roblox as their main thing, and so not being able to do it on Linux is quite a loss.

Any game that intentionally prevents it from working on Linux is a loss as it just increases the uphill battle Linux has as a gaming platform. There's not exactly many accessible alternatives to it for Linux fans.

Know any alternatives for people looking? Let readers know in the comments.

Article taken from
Tags: Anti-Cheat, Misc, Wine
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Roblox doesn't even run on Windows 11 on some machines because of Core Isolation and updates.
Cybolic Mar 2
Quoting: poiuz
Quoting: Purple Library GuyGosh, read what you said, and think about it.
It doesn't change how many times I read it. Do you think it's rude to call you out on your false statements about something you (admitted) have no knowledge about?
Okay, I'll step in here. You were rude in presenting Purple Library Guy's argument as if they were claiming to post fact and you had step in to disprove them. What actually happened, is that you were both speculating, but you, poiuz, chose to present yourself as morally superior and more factually correct - which is rude, since you didn't have any basis for it and there was no need to be confrontational about it.
Quoting: poiuz
Quoting: Purple Library GuyGosh, read what you said, and think about it.
It doesn't change how many times I read it. Do you think it's rude to call you out on your false statements about something you (admitted) have no knowledge about?
As I recall, originally it was just that I had no right to speculate without knowledge--which is stupid given that not having knowledge is the prerequisite for speculation. Now you're saying I'd made false statements--which I had not, since everything I had said was either asking questions or suggesting possibilities, not making positive claims. It's particularly amusing that you are now saying the possibilities I suggested were "false" since elsewhere you say you don't know the truth of it, so presumably you can't know if anything I said was false. Go take a logic class.

So then you go on to say that I spun a conspiracy, which I did not, and made "allegations", which I did not, and completely ignore the entirety of what I did say, in the same way for the second time. I'm amazed that you managed to read whole paragraphs entirely and very very explicitly talking about the general context of corporate actions over time and how they could give rise to certain attitudes, and continue to pretend that these paragraphs constituted claims about the actions of the Roblox company, which I was going to major pains to explain that they did not.

I'm impressed, but not in a way which makes me feel like engaging with you any further. Have a nice day, and consider taking some reading and critical thinking classes.
Nocifer Mar 2
Quoting: Cybolic
Quoting: poiuz
Quoting: Purple Library GuyGosh, read what you said, and think about it.
It doesn't change how many times I read it. Do you think it's rude to call you out on your false statements about something you (admitted) have no knowledge about?
Okay, I'll step in here. You were rude in presenting Purple Library Guy's argument as if they were claiming to post fact and you had step in to disprove them. What actually happened, is that you were both speculating, but you, poiuz, chose to present yourself as morally superior and more factually correct - which is rude, since you didn't have any basis for it and there was no need to be confrontational about it.

I'll also step in to add that no, @poiuz wasn't rude just because they too were only speculating after all, or because they chose to falsely present themselves as morally superior and factually correct, or because they didn't have any basis for it - all of that is absolutely true, of course; but the fact is that, even if there were a basis for what @poiuz said, the way they chose to express their opinion would still be rude as fscking hell.

Goddammit, why is it so hard for people to be kind to each other?
hell0 Mar 2
Quoting: x_wingUnpopular opinion here, but I think that for this online only type of games the best solution will end up being that they create a cloud solution that doesn't require any local client. That way they can reduce the number of cheaters plus make it independent of the user OS (and not to mention how much they will reduce QA cost).

There is no need to go online-only, just validate things on the server.

Imagine editing the account balance in your browser is enough for your bank to actually change it. And imagine your bank's solution is to enforce a "secure browser" that won't let you edit the pages. That is the level most game devs seem to be at...
poiuz Mar 3
Quoting: CybolicYou were rude in presenting Purple Library Guy's argument as if they were claiming to post fact and you had step in to disprove them.
That's not true. I specifically acknowledged that it was pure speculation.

Quoting: poiuzThat's a lot of speculation about something you have no idea about.

Quoting: Cybolicchose to present yourself as morally superior and more factually correct
My speculation is based on what the Roblox developer are claiming, what Wine developers are saying & what the Wine code is implementing.

Quoting: Cybolicwhich is rude, since you didn't have any basis for it and there was no need to be confrontational about it.
I wasn't confrontational. And my basis is that I know it being wrong.

Quoting: Purple Library GuyAs I recall, originally it was just that I had no right to speculate without knowledge
I never denied the right speculate. I pointed out that you speculate about things you admitted have no idea about. You were speculating about what the Roblox developers are doing can't work. How could you know any of this if you don't even know how it all works?

Quoting: Purple Library Guywhich is stupid given that not having knowledge is the prerequisite for speculation.
No, prerequisite is to have a basis for speculation. Which you don't have, by own admission.

Quoting: Purple Library GuyNow you're saying I'd made false statements--which I had not, since everything I had said was either asking questions or suggesting possibilities, not making positive claims. It's particularly amusing that you are now saying the possibilities I suggested were "false" since elsewhere you say you don't know the truth of it, so presumably you can't know if anything I said was false. Go take a logic class.
No, I said I don't know exactly how Wine is used by cheat developers. But I know what you were saying is wrong. I wouldn't have commented on it if I didn't know this.

You seem to think it's just a simple check in Roblox which can be circumvented. The check & message are just for convenience there to inform about the incompatibility. But the actual blocking will be happening by the anti-cheat software. This can't be circumvented, as we know from other games. The necessary APIs aren't even implemented in Wine.

Quoting: Purple Library GuySo then you go on to say that I spun a conspiracy
Yeah, sorry. I did mix up comments from different users. I edited the comment accordingly.

Quoting: Purple Library GuyHave a nice day, and consider taking some reading and critical thinking classes.
Have a nice day, too. I hope you follow your own advise.

Quoting: Nociferthe way they chose to express their opinion would still be rude as fscking hell.

Goddammit, why is it so hard for people to be kind to each other?
Nice joke. Why are you rude now? Stop being a morale apostle if you can't uphold your own standards.

I still don't see my initial post as being rude.
Pengling Mar 3
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Quoting: poiuzYou seem to think it's just a simple check in Roblox which can be circumvented. The check & message are just for convenience there to inform about the incompatibility. But the actual blocking will be happening by the anti-cheat software. This can't be circumvented, as we know from other games. The necessary APIs aren't even implemented in Wine.
They were using the same anti-cheat and allowing it through Wine before. This is mentioned in the article.
poiuz Mar 3
Quoting: PenglingThey were using the same anti-cheat and allowing it through Wine before. This is mentioned in the article.
No, they were not. That's mentioned in the previous article.

We can probably say a final goodbye to Roblox on Linux with Wine soon

QuoteAdditionally, we had to disable many antitamper checks to make Hyperion run on Wine.
s01itude Mar 3
Quoting: poiuz
Quoting: PenglingThey were using the same anti-cheat and allowing it through Wine before. This is mentioned in the article.
No, they were not. That's mentioned in the previous article.

We can probably say a final goodbye to Roblox on Linux with Wine soon

QuoteAdditionally, we had to disable many antitamper checks to make Hyperion run on Wine.

Perhaps there's a bit of pedantry/semantics in what I'm about to say, but frankly that's the importance of it anyway.

"we had to disable many antitamper checks to make Hyperion run on wine" actually (I'll be honest that I didn't read the article nor do I care to) that sentence in and of itself does not disprove Pengling's statment about using the same anti-cheat and allowing it through wine. In fact it lines up with what he's saying.

Saying they had to disable functions to make it run on wine actually implies it's the same anticheat (again I dont know if Hyperion is the same software they were using before, just going off your specific quote), and furthermore shows they had to do things to allow it to work with wine which is further in line with what Pengling states.

Now to my point about the importance of semantics, I suspect that your definition of "same anti-cheat" is probably different than Penglings, otherwise you wouldn't have use a quote that actually supports their statement in order to counter their statement. Given how your previous discussion went, as well, I'd suggest coming to equal terms with others on what you specifically mean with each term because otherwise you end up in meaningless discussion that will come to no resolution other than frustration.

Discussion is unproductive if the people involved cannot agree on the definitions of the core terms being discussed.
Roblox still runs on Linux with Waydroid. The Performance isn't great, however, but playable on a fast enough computer.

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