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Game over for Roblox on Linux / Steam Deck as it's now blocked

By - | Views: 79,697

Well, there it is, the update for Roblox has arrived that now forcefully blocks it from working with Wine on Linux systems (like Steam Deck).

It's been a bit of a saga hasn't it? Roblox has always been somewhat iffy to play on Linux, at times being broken while people working on the likes of Grapefruit and Vinegar repeatedly kept up with changes to make it work. The Roblox developers then introduced Hyperion anti-cheat software, although they continued to make it work unofficially with Wine but that wasn't to last as a developer explained that it has caused cheating.

Now if you try to run it, you will simply be told "Wine is not supported.":

This is an intentional change by the Roblox dev team, to block Wine, as noted in the previous article linked above where a Roblox developer clearly replied to note it wouldn't work in future.

Despite what you may think of Roblox (and it's historically had plenty of problems) as one of the biggest gaming platforms ever, it's certainly a shame to see it go. There's plenty of people out there that have Roblox as their main thing, and so not being able to do it on Linux is quite a loss.

Any game that intentionally prevents it from working on Linux is a loss as it just increases the uphill battle Linux has as a gaming platform. There's not exactly many accessible alternatives to it for Linux fans.

Know any alternatives for people looking? Let readers know in the comments.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Anti-Cheat, Misc, Wine
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1xok Mar 5
Let's give Linux a little more time to grow. Then the developers are guaranteed to find a solution ;)
iFlxy Mar 14
In the case of Roblox, Waydroid may be our only solution. I hope someone will make a script to make it easier for people new to Linux to install the game on an Android container... Or maybe it will be me making the script some day (even though I'm a very inexperienced hobbyist), who knows.
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