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Here's the most played Steam Deck games for February 2024

By - | Views: 38,406

Valve has revealed the list of the most popular games that were played on Steam Deck throughout February 2024, so let's take a look.

Sorted by hours played from top to bottom the winners are, along with the current Steam Deck Verified rating notice:

This list comes from the official Steam Deck account on X. Interesting to finally see Vampire Survivors getting knocked off the list, which has been one of the most played games overall constantly since release and was one of the most played games in 2023 overall.

What have you been playing lately? Reveal your top in the comments!

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Pengling Mar 4
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Quoting: StoneColdSpiderIve started RE3: Nemesis and im not liking it that much at all..... I can tell its been rushed and the writing is very sub par so far.......
"Nothing especially strange here.", as Jill looks at a massive pile-up surrounded by bloody corpses in an apocalyptic city. Classic!
Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: StoneColdSpiderIve started RE3: Nemesis and im not liking it that much at all..... I can tell its been rushed and the writing is very sub par so far.......
"Nothing especially strange here.", as Jill looks at a massive pile-up surrounded by bloody corpses in an apocalyptic city. Classic!
Thats going to be the screenshot for the weekend thread.......
Pengling Mar 4
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Quoting: StoneColdSpiderThats going to be the screenshot for the weekend thread.......
As it should be - it's just as brilliant as Science Wesker!
ToddL Mar 4
Quoting: StoneColdSpiderI played the Nintendo 64 version of RE2 last week and REALLY liked it...... Thought it was really great....... Besides the annoying kid......

Ive started RE3: Nemesis and im not liking it that much at all..... I can tell its been rushed and the writing is very sub par so far.......

I will get to Code Veronica X on the GameCube one day.......

I know what you mean by the annoying kid but at least it wasn't too bad in the Remake version since it was more tolerable and some of the kids part weren't too long to overstay its welcome :)

I only finished RE3 once on the PS1 and it was pretty forgettable since I couldn't even remember much of what was going on at the time. I also played the Remake version of it as well but it didn't change my opinion much about the game, sadly.

As for Code Veronica, you could emulate the Dreamcast version of the game, which is the original one before it came over to the PS2 and Gamecube later on.

Last edited by ToddL on 4 March 2024 at 6:59 am UTC
Quoting: tmtvlI've been working out some builds in Neverwinter Nights 2, looking for a nice OP one which I can use to play through modules without having to get really bogged down in combat. Aside from that I've cleaned out some of my backlog: played through Along the Edge (it's fine), Primordia (it's fine), Shardlight (it's pretty good), and Technobabylon (truly amazing game, I'm so happy I played it, it's fantastic).
Another Technobabylon enjoyer! That game is great and I still think about it years after playing. I also played Primordia but couldn't get into it, and then the game crashed and I lost my save. I should give Shardlight a go...
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