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Update 29/03/24: the Steam released has been pulled temporarily due to all the negative reviews about issues with account linking and the bundled DLC. 

Gaijin Network (War Thunder) and Darkflow Software (CRSED: Cuisine Royale) have today released the online squad-based shooter Enlisted: Reinforced into Early Access on Steam. As they said they would when I covered it previously, the release comes with Native Linux support.

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While the game is free to play direct from their launcher the version on Steam costs £16.99 / $19.99 / 19,99€ which comes with two premium squads, 7 days of a premium account, 500 gold, a unique nickname decorator and 15 first aid kits for each squad. It might become free to play on Steam at some point after Early Access but it may not.

The developers said recently in a Steam post they will also be upgrading it for Steam Deck with "unique features specifically for Steam and Steam Deck".

From my brief test with a full game on my main Kubuntu Desktop, it worked really well with pretty good performance too thanks to it using Vulkan. Need a lot more time with it before giving any kind of recommendation as of yet though. Much like War Thunder, it seems to be very much pay-to-progress, or grind for quite a long time to get through all the research and different weapons.

Check it out on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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pete910 Mar 28
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That looks rather interesting, squad/battlefield/isonzo mixed. Might just be the Battlefield experience of old that battlefield lost it recent iterations!

Going to buy that now to show support.
Well. They said they would, and they did. My faith in claims these developers make has been Reinforced.
pete910 Mar 28
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Heads up though, It's a big'ish download( tad over 42 gig)

Though that seems the norm now
Samsai Mar 29
And now not on Steam, since people weren't happy with the bundling of DLC and issues with linked accounts.
Kirby Mar 29
but they released a free game in their launcher for 20$ on steam
marked as early access too when its the full title release, straight scam
Liam Dawe Mar 29
Quoting: Kirbybut they released a free game in their launcher for 20$ on steam
marked as early access too when its the full title release, straight scam
Nothing “scam” about it. Developers are free to release on Steam however they want, they decided for now to bundle a package with the Steam purchase which wasn’t all that bad. As for Early Access, they planned to keep improving it and so decided for Steam specifically it wasn’t to be classed as a full complete ready release. There’s really nothing wrong with how they did it.
drjoms Mar 29
I would buy it, but i am not going to support "buy endless DLC to progress/win" like we see in tank simulation battles games.
Fuck this shit. I am not your cow to milk me forever. You only write code ones.
robvv Mar 29
The devs have since posted this message on their website.
drjoms Mar 29
Quoting: robvvThe devs have since posted this message on their website.
We said, that we said nothing.
14 Mar 30
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Looks worth a shot.
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