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Adventure Mode Beta out now for Dwarf Fortress

By - | Views: 29,428

Dwarf Fortress on Steam from Bay 12 Games and Kitfox Games has a fresh Beta now available containing the new Adventure Mode. This turns the expansive building sim into a big turn-based RPG, where you can create a character and freely roam the rich simulated world you've made a home in during the Fortress Mode or start afresh in a newly generated world.

To access it you just need to own it on Steam, head to the Properties -> Betas and select "beta - Public beta branch". To go along with it, they'll also be releasing the Dwarf Fortress Soundtrack 2 (Adventure) DLC, this will also be available across Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube and Apple Music.

Check out the Beta trailer below:

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With this being a Beta it's not finished of course and they said there's "features from Classic Adventure Mode and planned new features that have not made their way to the Steam version yet", so work is ongoing to expand Adventure Mode still.

You can buy it on:


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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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I really need to get around to buying Dwarf Fortress on Steam. I haven't because I'm a bit scared I'll not be able to manage the new UI. I tried the free version with the new UI and couldn't figure out anything.
soulsource Apr 18
Quoting: NathanaelKStottlemyerI really need to get around to buying Dwarf Fortress on Steam. I haven't because I'm a bit scared I'll not be able to manage the new UI. I tried the free version with the new UI and couldn't figure out anything.
The new UI isn't great...

Last time I played, it was also still quite buggy. Basic stuff like building stairs sometimes didn't work at all (building an up-stair from dug-out area into non-dug-out area), other times it was extremely clunky (building stairs from non-dug-out area into dug-out area)...
Quoting: soulsource
Quoting: NathanaelKStottlemyerI really need to get around to buying Dwarf Fortress on Steam. I haven't because I'm a bit scared I'll not be able to manage the new UI. I tried the free version with the new UI and couldn't figure out anything.
The new UI isn't great...

Last time I played, it was also still quite buggy. Basic stuff like building stairs sometimes didn't work at all (building an up-stair from dug-out area into non-dug-out area), other times it was extremely clunky (building stairs from non-dug-out area into dug-out area)...

Hopefully they'll get better. I love Dwarf Fortress
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