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Discord Overlay for Linux adds PulseAudio / PipeWire integration

By - | Views: 39,534

Discover Overlay, an open source Discord Overlay for Linux has a new release available with v0.7.3 adding in some useful new features.

What does it do? It enables you to have a HUD on your screen to show who is currently talking in a voice channel, or to show text and images from a selected channel with plenty of customizations. Made due to shortcomings in the official Discord Linux version.

Recently two new releases were put up with v0.7.2:

  • Added option to fade out voice chat while inactive.
  • Fixed reload of all user avatars when changing transparency.
  • Fixed crash where there is no X11 window under Gtk Window.

Plus v0.7.3:

  • Added pipewire/pulse integration:
    • If you mute mic, Discord will show you as muted.
    • If you mute output, Discord will show you as deafened.
  • Added controls to Configuration window:
    • Up/Down/Left/Right to move element.
    • Space to select element.
    • Escape to unselect element.
    • While an element is selected Up/Down/Left/Right to change value.
  • Moved Voice advanced options to another tab.
  • New French translations from @Bqleine.

See more on the GitHub.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Kithop Apr 8
Quoting: nenoroI'm waiting for OBS to be compatible with pipewire then i can get rid of pulseaudio

It... Already is? Or at least, you may need the Pipewire Pulseaudio compatible module and maybe the appropriate xdg-portal package(s) but OBS works great with Pipewire now.
logge Apr 8
Yo, then it also stops working on Firefox on a desktop as it did on my phone? I mean, just to run as a higher-privileged elf than on a sandboxed Webbrowser.

Last edited by logge on 8 April 2024 at 7:40 pm UTC
Still need a hookup for setting globally activatable shortcuts so say you can use PushToTalk WHILE playing a fullscreen game and not requiring minimizing and moving focus to Discord.

On top of this they need to bake in a proper fix for app/game fullscreen/window sharing WITH audio. There are workarounds but nothing is better then baked in functionality for WAYLAND.

I do know that Global shortcuts may not be fully supported under Wayland, I dunno its progress.
Quoting: KithopStill wish there was a viable, self-hostable, FLOSS alternative that covered enough of Discord's feature set to convince people to switch.

Mumble has great audio, but a very dated UX and nowhere near the rich text chat support, nor game streaming.

Element / Matrix seems promising, but they're wholly uninterested in being that competitor, considering how long people have been asking for simple drop in/out persistent voice channels (literally 4+ years I think, last I checked, which was admittedly a year+ ago at this point) where you can see who's already in or not at a glance, and the company behind it focuses on chasing contracts with police forces instead .

IRC of course strips it all back to text chat.

Everyone else seems to be chasing Slack and business use cases primarily.

Yeah, I can spin up my Owncast instance, hook OBS up to it, give my friends a link and then try to juggle both the VoIP call and the persistent rich text chat with other apps. While I'm fine going that route, there's intense friction getting the average Windows gamer to participate and leave the Discord bubble.
Yeah I love Mumble when I found out about it, still stuck on discord though. Would probably (in an ideal world) use Matrix + Mumble but there is Spacebar which might be what you want when it releases.
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