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Garry's Mod forced to remove Nintendo content after takedowns

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Facepunch issued an announcement for Garry's Mod players, to explain that a whole lot of user content is being taken down due to Nintendo.

Posted on the Steam page titled "Nintendo stuff on Steam Workshop", Facepunch mentioned they're working through removing all Nintendo related content from the Steam Workshop. A bunch is already gone but due to there being 20 years of uploads it will take time to go through it all.

Facepunch said "This is not a mistake, the takedowns came from Nintendo" and that they feel it's "fair enough". As we all know, Nintendo do often go after any unauthorised use of their characters and IP and so mods for other games get included in that.

However, some believed the takedown requests were fraudulent. This led Facepunch's Garry Newman to post on X (formerly Twitter) to say "Yes, we have got your emails and dms, we have seen your threads, we're doing our own investigations. We need to take these things seriously (particularly from Nintendo), but we also can't let people misuse DMCA takedowns.", and then followed it up to confirm it's legit, "I have been assured that the takedowns have been verified by Nintendo as legit, so this will now continue as planned. Sorry."

So there you have to, no more Mario in Garry's Mod.

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Pengling Apr 25
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QuoteFacepunch said "This is not a mistake, the takedowns came from Nintendo" and that they feel it's "fair enough". As we all know, Nintendo do often go often any unauthorised use of their characters and IP and so mods for other games get included in that.
I do agree with them that it's fair enough (I mean, it is Nintendo's stuff after all, and I'm sure that some of these assets are just straight rips and not fan creations), though that said I also find it odd that Nintendo is very suddenly going so far out of their way to burn bridges with fans and harm the goodwill that people feel towards them.

Last edited by Pengling on 25 April 2024 at 2:54 pm UTC
finaldest Apr 25
Not purchased any Nintendo Hardware or Software since the SNES.

I guess that is not going to change anytime soon.
fabertawe Apr 25
I don't get it... are Nintendo selling official Nintendo workshop content for Garry's Mod and the unofficial stuff is biting into their margins?

The only outcome from this is negativity toward Nintendo.
Pengling Apr 25
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Quoting: fabertaweI don't get it... are Nintendo selling official Nintendo workshop content for Garry's Mod and the unofficial stuff is biting into their margins?

The only outcome from this is negativity toward Nintendo.
I assume they figure that doing this will somehow make people want to buy their hardware and go to see their movies, even though they offer nothing like that.
One thing to keep in mind is, I bet a lot of those characters are not just copyrighted, but trademarked. And the thing about trademarks is, if you don't maintain them by stopping people from using them, you can lose them. This can push companies to behaviours even more annoying than they would instinctively do on their own.
ToddL Apr 25
Quoting: fabertaweI don't get it... are Nintendo selling official Nintendo workshop content for Garry's Mod and the unofficial stuff is biting into their margins?

The only outcome from this is negativity toward Nintendo.

This is Nintendo's MO for the longest time when it comes to anyone using their IPs without their permission, regardless if it's a mod or not. If you don't get permission from them, then you can't use it and they have the right to get it taken down. There are many examples of them pushing their IP policing powers to take down fan made projects, mods, Youtube videos and others. What the modders are doing is pretty much FAFO (F*** Around Find Out).

This is why I've despised them for the longest time and never bother to give them a dime for whatever games they produce, which isn't all that great IMO.
fabertawe Apr 25
Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: fabertaweI don't get it... are Nintendo selling official Nintendo workshop content for Garry's Mod and the unofficial stuff is biting into their margins?

The only outcome from this is negativity toward Nintendo.
I assume they figure that doing this will somehow make people want to buy their hardware and go to see their movies, even though they offer nothing like that.

Yep, very odd thought process. The only wave they'll be riding at this rate is a tsunami of resentment!
whizse Apr 25
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyOne thing to keep in mind is, I bet a lot of those characters are not just copyrighted, but trademarked. And the thing about trademarks is, if you don't maintain them by stopping people from using them, you can lose them. This can push companies to behaviours even more annoying than they would instinctively do on their own.
I don't think that applies here.

You're probably thinking of genericization a trademarked name becoming a generic term. Should the trademark holder do nothing to prevent that they might lose the trademark.
Eike Apr 25
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Quoting: whizse
Quoting: Purple Library GuyOne thing to keep in mind is, I bet a lot of those characters are not just copyrighted, but trademarked. And the thing about trademarks is, if you don't maintain them by stopping people from using them, you can lose them. This can push companies to behaviours even more annoying than they would instinctively do on their own.
I don't think that applies here.

You're probably thinking of genericization a trademarked name becoming a generic term. Should the trademark holder do nothing to prevent that they might lose the trademark.

There's also "trademark dilution".
If the Internet got together and gave Nintendo the Shrek Treatment and made all their franchise characters creepy and hilarious as retaliation to this mickey mouse shit I mean, I wouldn't shed a tear for Nintendo after what they've done.

Humor Noir

Spoiler, click me NSFWish



Last edited by ElectricPrism on 25 April 2024 at 6:38 pm UTC
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